7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10

September 26, 2016

Natural Beauty Products under $10

Over the past year I have become very interested in natural beauty products. It all started when I started doing some intense research on what ingredients lie in our everyday beauty products. My findings were actually quite shocking! Ironically, the products that are supposed to “increase our beauty” actually housed some of the worst ingredients. Truth be told, our beauty products could actually be making us look worse!7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10 on glamlifeliving.com Natural Beauty ProductsNatural Beauty Buys Under $10 on glamlifeliving.com Natural Beauty Buys Under $10 on glamlifeliving.com Natural Hand Cream by Nubian Heritage |7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10|Nubian Heritage Hand Cream |7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10| on glamlifeliving.com Indian Aztec Clay Mask |7 Natural Beauty Buys under $10| on glamlifeliving.comTrader Joe's Coconut Oil |7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10| on glamlifeliving.comNatural Beauty Products under $10

You have to remember the the main goal of the beauty industry is to make money. And at the end of the day, most companies are more interested in making products that sell as opposed to making products that actually WORK. I have slowly started to switch a lot of my beauty products to better brands that won’t harm my body! I have yet to switch my makeup products over, and honestly that might never happen. I am a makeup junkie through and through and I am just not quite ready to take that plunge!

But the good news about switching over to some healthier products is that a lot of them are very cost effective! Today I am sharing 7 of my favorite natural beauty buys that are all under $10.

1. Indian Healing Aztec Clay Mask

I had to start with this product because I would be lost without it! This mask has totally been a game changer in battling the occasional breakouts. This little guy can do wonders in clearing your skin. But holy crap is it powerful! You literally feel your face pulsating. Now, if you have sensitive skin you may need to be careful. But I have sensitive skin and have not had any problems with it! If you struggle with breakouts, you need this in your life.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

So I had to include this because you need it to mix into the Aztec clay mask. But you can also use this as a toner in your skin care routine. I did that for a couple of months. It is supposed to help balance your skin’s PH level. I have also heard of people swearing it helps with acne!

3. Grapeseed Oil

This is my “go to” eye makeup remover. I think I have talked about it before on the blog, but I used to have allergic reactions to eye makeup removers all the time. It was extremely difficult for me to find one that didn’t make my eye area break out into hives. So I decided to switch to oils and I have never had an issue! Coconut oil can work too, but I found it a little too heavy for the eye area. I prefer grapeseed oil because it is a little thiner. I have also been using it as a moisturizer this week while I wait for my favorite ALA Cream to come in the mail.

4. Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Body Lotion

If you suffer with dry skin, than this your miracle product! It is one of the most moisturizing body lotions I have ever tried. I will be honest and say that this is a pain in the you know what to rub in. Because it is so thick, it can be hard to rub. I use this in the winter time only.

5. Nubian Heritage Hand Creams

I mentioned these hand creams in my 3 Nighttime Beauty Practices post. My hands were getting so chapped that they were actually beginning to bleed. Once I switched to a hand soap without sulfates and started using these hand creams, my hands healed so quickly!

6. Coconut Oil 

I mean let’s get real. If I didn’t mention coconut oil in this post, I would be just plain stupid! My favorite ways to use coconut oil is as a hair mask, to shave my legs, or even to moisturize my legs. The possibilities are endless. I would love to hear your favorite ways that you use coconut oil in the comment section below!

7. Andalou Naturals Body Wash

I actually tried this brand while I was visiting a friend in Denver. She had the body lotion in the rose fragrance and I thought it was so lovely! Most body washes have sulfates, which actually dry your skin out. I wanted a body wash that wouldn’t strip my skin and smelled great! I am a lavender gal, and I love the way this body wash feels and smells!

Almost all of these products you can find at Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s or Sprouts. Do you have any natural beauty products that you can’t live without? Comment below!

7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10
7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10

You are gorgeous ! Love the products you picked

Life is just Rosie

You are so sweet! Thank you!