Urban Decay All Nighter Foundation Review

September 12, 2016

Urban Decay All Nighter Review

Foundation: Urban Decay All Nighter 

Out of all the makeup products out there in the beauty industry, I have always been the most intrigued and excited by foundations. It wasn’t until late college that I really began discovering and playing around with all that the cosmetic companies had to offer. And since that short time, I have definitely spent the most money on base products. I can’t even tell you how many different foundations I have tried. Even if I have found a product I am die hard about, when a new product comes out, I can’t help but be intrigued!

Makeup Prouduct Review on glamlifeliving.comUrna Decay All Nighter Foundation ReviewUrban Decay All Nighter Foundation Review on glamlifeliving.comUrban Decay Foundation on glamlifeliving.comUrban Decay All Nighter Foundation in Shade 4.0 on glamlifelivnig.comFoundation review on glamlifeliving.comUrban Decay All Nighter Foundation Review on glamlifeliving.comUrban Decay All Nighter Foundation Review on glamlifeliving.com

I have always believed that if there is one makeup product that you should spend money on, it should be foundation. Now sometimes there is an exception to that rule. For example, in my Fall Makeup Look I talked about the L’Oreal Pro Glow Foundation, which pleasantly surprised me! But I have always wanted my skin to look as good as in can. And foundation is definitely the star of the show in that department.

I recently went to Ulta and picked up the new Urban Decay All Nighter Foundation. It is a full coverage foundation that is also matte and waterproof. It’s oil-free formula also makes it great for all my acne prone girls out there! I picked up the shade 4.0 medium light, which has a soft warm undertone. I noticed that the shades that end in .5 have a pink undertone. And the shades that end in .0 are warm in color.

Before I begin my thoughts on the formula, I wanted to give you a little background on my skin. I have combination skin. My cheeks are dry and I have an oily T Zone. I used to deal with breakouts, but since changing up my diet, I have had pretty clear skin. I usually am not a big fan of matte foundations because I feel they can often emphasize fine lines or clogged pores. I recently have been into more natural finish foundations such as the Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk foundation, so I was a little hesitant about trying such a matte foundation.

Okay onto the review! It is definitely one of the most full coverage foundations I have ever used. You only need about 1 pump to cover your entire face. I used about a pump and a half. I would highly recommend using a beauty blender or a makeup sponge to apply this product. I think that using a kabuki brush would make the foundation look a little cakey. The biggest complaint I have seen across the internet on this foundation is that is oxidizes. That means that after you apply it, it can become darker. I did find that to be slightly true, so I just bought a shade a little lighter. I would recommend buying a sample before you purchase your shade.

I did find it to be extremely long wearing. I wore it during a night out and thought it held up beautifully! I love how flawless it makes my skin look. I will say that this is not really an everyday foundation for me personally. I think this is wonderful for  weekend dates, weddings, events, nights out, etc. I just find it to be a lot of coverage for everyday wear. I will probably be using the foundation for blog photo shoots and date nights with the hubby. For everyday foundation wear, I would definitely go for my Armani Luminous Silk instead.

Overall, I really love this foundation. If you have oily skin and love full coverage, than you will love this product! I just normally prefer a foundation that has a little glow to it. But as for matte foundations go, I loved it! I actually found it to be one of the most NON cakey matte foundations that I have ever tried. I definitely think that it lives up to all of its claims. It does last a long time on the skin, it is water proof, and full coverage.

Have any of you tried this product? What are your thoughts?

Urban Decay All Nighter Foundation Review on glamlifeliving.com