Easy Diet + Exercise Routine

January 16, 2017

Diet + Exercise Routine on Glam Life Living in workout gear

Bottoms: CALIA by Carrie Underwood  Top: Similar, Similar  Shoes: ACSICS  Mat + Weights: Target

Girl I see you. You be up in the gym just working on your fitness! Fergie will always have our backs when it comes to a good workout song. Anyway, I know many of us put on our New Year bucket list that we would up our fitness game. And although, I had a little bit of a slow start, I have finally got my routine in full motion. Since we are in this together, I figured I would share what I have been doing recently to get myself sweating again!  But before we jump into the workout regimen, I have to start with diet. Because that is truly where it all begins. 

Diet + Exercise Routine in pink workout gearI can’t remember if I have shared this story on the blog or not yet, but I am going to tell it again away! About 6 years ago, when my mother was pregnant with her ninth child (yes, you read that correctly. I am the oldest of nine kids) she had to seriously alter her diet due to a diabetic pregnancy. During that time, my mother had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to keep the baby healthy. I decided to join her in her new diet so that she could have someone to lean on and keep her motivated. At the time, I was definitely overweight, but had no intention of trying to loose weight. I truly just wanted to be there for my mom. Long story short, I actually ended up loosing about 17 lbs strictly through diet and no exercise. Since then, I have had an ongoing journey toward health and nutrition. Since then, I have actually lost an additional 15 lbs. My point to this is that diet is EVERYTHING! 

Workout Routine and Activewear on Glam Life Living

Exercise is important in the sense that our bodies need it, but I do not rely on it strictly for weight loss. I exercise in a way that is fun and keeps me healthy and strong. I don’t think you should have to kill yourself everyday at the gym to be fit. With a few small changes you can feel great too! 

stretching + workout routine in cute activewear



I start my day with either a cup of tea or warm water with lemon. If I am feely extra tired, I will have a cup of coffee, but I recently cut it out of my diet. If I am really hungry, I will usually choose between gluten free oats with cinnamon, coconut sugar, and fresh berries or a veggie egg scramble with gluten free toast. I also try to fit in my green smoothie in the morning, but I don’t end up making it every single day. Here is the recipe

Kale, spinach, half a banana, a few pieces of frozen pineapple, a piece of ginger, 1/4 a cucumber, 1 stalk of celery, half a lemon, and a dash of cinnamon. 

This makes one serving. I would suggest doubling it if you have a big blender or are making some for your partner.


I almost always have a snack before lunch. And it will usually consist of a Health Warrior bar or to be honest I will often have some of my first grader’s snack of the day like animal crackers! I am trying to get in the habit of bringing raw nuts or fruit so I am not as tempted to eat what they are eating! 


This varies daily. I will sometimes have left over dinner, or make a veggie salad with black beans or garbanzo beans. One of my favorite things to do is make a huge batch of soup and eat it throughout the week at work for lunch. 


I am a huge Mexican lover. So I will often make vegetarian fajitas, enchiladas, or quesadillas. I do have salmon and asparagus once a week. But one of my resolutions was to start meal planning, and so far it is going really well. I like these two cook books for planning out my meals, Oh She Glows and Minimalist Baker’s Everyday Cooking 

Diet + Exercise Routine on Glam Life Living


I will be completely honest and say before January 1st, I had not worked out in a month, if not longer! After the long school day, it was hard to find the motivation to workout. But I discovered that the secret to get my butt moving was to have a small routine. That way I didn’t feel overwhelmed. All I have been doing recently is working out 3-4 times a week. Here is my current routine. 

Neon Pink Workout Gear and Carrie Underwood Workout pants

I will throw on one of my Tracy Anderson Workout DVDs and do the leg and arm portion. The poses in this post are from some of her DVDs. I actually used her program before my wedding to get my arms nice and toned for my strapless dress. But if I don’t want to do a video, I will go for a run. And a couple days ago, I actually tried Yoga! That was another item on my bucket list, and I have been watching Youtube videos to get me started! 

Diet + Exercise Routine on Glam Life Living

 That’s it! I keep it super simple. Eventually, I might up my workout routine but I needed something easy to get me motivated again. Let me know what you have been doing to kick start the new year! 

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon. 


Need to pay someone to meal prep for me and have food ready for my work lunch 😉