Chronicles of Parenting a Two Year Old

October 2, 2019

Parenting a two year old, two year old boy toys, Instagram mom, Instagram family, parents, toddler toys, mom blogger #momblogger #instamom What I’m Wearing

Life sure does keep you busy when you are parenting a two year old. There a few different responses when people find out I have a toddler. The first is usually shock. The second is sympathy. I don’t often share little Oliver on the blog. The reason is honestly that is is HARD to get a two year old to sit still or cooperate for a photo shoot! I honestly don’t know how those bloggers do it. And also, this site was never meant to be a “mommy blog.” I am happy to share my experience and personal journey; however, I do not find myself to be an expert in all things mommy related. I do my absolute best, and I know that that is all I can do. I am not perfect in my parenting, but one this is for sure. I LOVE that boy and would do anything to help him grow into the little man he is meant to be. 

I had a series on the blog called Mommy Musings. And it has been way to long since we have done a segment, so I though it was about time to give you an update! P.S you can type “Mommy Musings” into the search bar of my site to find more mom related content. 

Parenting a two year old, two year old boy toys, Instagram mom, Instagram family, parents, toddler toys, mom blogger #momblogger #instamom

When people ask me how Oliver is doing, I always say the same thing. He is wonderful. These past few years have been tough personally and I felt that God blessed me what a sweet and caring child because he knew that would be one less thing to worry about. I honestly feel so lucky to be his mother. He has definitely developed a bit of that “toddler attitude” over the past few weeks. And has recently discovered the word, “no!” He has is moments of temper tantrums as most kids do, but overall he is SUCH a wonderful child.

Since going back to work, I have struggled with mom guilt. But it is much better than it was when I first went back to work after having him. I know now that I am doing everything that I can for him. And that by going to work, I am creating the best possible life for him. But there are days when my emotions get the better of me and I break down into tears because I miss him so much. As women it can be SO HARD to find a balance between wanting to accomplish your own dreams, be a wife, be a mother, a house keeper, and all the other things we need to be as women. There are days when I cave into the pressure. And there are days when I feel grace and allow myself to relax, knowing I am doing the best that I can.

Parenting a two year old, two year old boy toys, Instagram mom, Instagram family, parents, toddler toys, mom blogger #momblogger #instamomParenting a two year old, two year old boy toys, Instagram mom, Instagram family, parents, toddler toys, mom blogger #momblogger #instamom

I share this with you so that you can feel you are not alone. I don’t believe that any of us truly have it together all the time. There is no such thing as having the perfect balance all in one day. I strive to give my attention to what matters most in that day. Some days it is cleaning the house, others it is creating content, and of course spending time with my family. And some days I cry feeling like I am failing at everything. Darling, you are NOT alone. Just keep trying your best. But remember to give yourself grace. 

Oliver turned two on September 9th. Many of you may have seen that we threw him a low key birthday party over on Instagram. This whole year I had imagined I would throw an elaborate party, but with the business of our schedules I figured we would save the big party for next year when he would actually remember it. But when shopping for his party, I did a lot of research as to what toys are best for this age and I came across some big winners! So if you are a momma looking for some toys to get your little one here are some Oliver approved favorites

A few items that really stand out is the Leap Frog laptop that has really helped him to reinforce his letter names and sounds. The Letter Factory DVD actually taught him almost all of them. He also loves grabbing the ABC puzzle pieces when he watched the show too. I know it sounds weird, but he is OBSESSED with letters. We have worked really hard to teach them to him and he actually finds it to be fun, which is so awesome! Another birthday party hit was the shark fishing game. It plays the Baby Shark song over and over, which can be annoying for you as the parent. But he loves it! 

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We all have our our journey as to what motherhood means to us. And I was blessed with this role early on (I had Oliver at 25). This has brought many joyful memories, and some challenges as well. But I am so grateful for this gift and happy that I am to be his mother.

Thanks so much for stopping by! 

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