6 Months of Motherhood Update

March 12, 2018

How My Life Changed After Baby

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Can you believe this little nugget is 6 months old already?! Okay maybe you can, but it is so true what they say, time does fly! It always terrifies me when people say things like, “soak it in, they grow up too fast.” You can’t slow down time, but you can try to take in as many moments as you can. And I do try. The truth is it has been a super busy and at times overwhelming couple of months, but this little guy has truly been the light on even my darkest days. I did a 5 months with baby update that you can read, and honestly not a whole lot as changed. But I did want to talk a little bit more about how I have changed. And how motherhood has treated me these past few months.

The Time Battle

Yes, it is true that I am now juggling a lot more balls than I was before little Oliver. Having a baby around obviously takes a lot of time and attention. Feed and nap times can often dominate scheduling events and errands. This can take a lot of preparation and proper planning. It can be a challenge to tackle all of the tasks needed to be accomplished in a day. But as he has gotten a little older, it has become easier to get things done now that he has longer times in-between feeds and naps. But some days I am the definition of a hot mess express (I say that to make myself feel better). Like today, I left my cell phone in the family restroom after calling my husband on speaker while changing a diaper. Thankfully it was still there when I went looking for it! So yes, time is a battle. But Oliver is worth fighting for.


It has been a lot more difficult to maintain relationships since having a baby. And that goes back to the time battle. Tackling so many things can often make it feel more overwhelming to text that girlfriend or make time for date nights with the hubby. I have been loving the Marco Polo app for catch up convos with my friends and family. I don’t make enough time for date nights as I would like, but it is so hard to leave Oliver again in the evenings after being away from him all day at work. But we finally went out the others night for drinks and dinner on a weeknight and it was amazing! 


Favorite Baby Products

As for what the little dude has been loving, he has recently been obsessed with this music toy from Baby Einstein. He has also been enjoying the 4moms mamaroo a lot more than he did as a newborn. He will sit in it while I get ready in the morning, so this momma definitely loves that he is so entertained! We have also switched baths. We originally used the Puj Tub. This is better for when they are newbies, but now than he is older, we switched to this affordable one.

Pure Joy

But most of motherhood has been utter bliss. As I mentioned above, even when I have a hard day or things seem to be drowning in stress and overwhelm, he looks at me with that handsome little grin and I instantly forget all my problems. He has been doing this new hysterical laugh and it kills me every time. He looks at me like I am his whole world and it is single handedly the best feeling in the world. The reality is all of the sacrifices, time conflicts, and sleep deprivation, are all worth the crazy adorable human that came into my world and made it better than I could have ever imagined. 

Don’t they have a special way of lighting up your day when least expected? Share your favorite mommy moments below! 

Thanks for reading. 

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