How to Nail Your Morning Beauty Routine

October 24, 2016

|Morning Beauty Routine| makeup, vanity, desk, glambox, beauty, mirrorMornings are my favorite. Now, don’t get me wrong, getting up at 5:30am every day isn’t the best feeling ever. I definitely need a couple cups of coffee to get me going, but there is something so joyful amount the early morning hours. I think it is because at the beginning of a day, everything feels fresh and new. You might even have a new perspective and or have developed a “can do” attitude over night.

My mornings are special to me. I love taking my time to get ready for the day, and there is something so peaceful about having the apartment dark and quite. But when you have to be out the door by 7:30, you bet your beauty routine has to be down pack! I am not the kind of person who is okay with rolling out of bed, throwing on some clothes, and rushing out the door. But I also don’t want to be spending two hours getting ready every day. So that is why I  follow the same process on a daily basis to get me out the door on time! Today, I am sharing my step by step process on how I get ready in the morning. Hopefully you will learn something new or find a few tips helpful!

Green Smoothie |smoothie recipe| glowing smoothie, healthy, vegan, morning routine, morning, breakfast

1. Wake Up and Get Some Coffee!

The first thing I do when I wake up is take Theodore for a quick little walk. Then I basically run to the Keurig after that! Recently, I have been trying to drink my green smoothie before breakfast. But I have yet to drink it before my coffee. I am basically a zombie, until I have some caffeine running through my veins. Anyway, if you are interested in the green smoothie recipe, I have it HERE.

Vasseur Skincare organic, nontoxic, parabon free, cruelty free, natural, skincare

2. Wash My Face /Skin Care

I am a little bit of a recovering skin care addict. I have used more skin care items then I can possibly remember! But I have been faithful to Vasseur Skincare for a full year now. I am obsessed with their products. They are an all natural company, and I am so on board with everything they believe in, in terms of their skin care philosophy. The key to your skincare routine is to keep is simple and effective. My whole routine takes me less than 5 minutes!

vanity, glam room, makeup |How to Nail Your Morning Routine|

3. Makeup Routine

While, I am letting my skin care absorb, I actually will sit down and publish the blog content for the day. During that time, I will do a couple of blog related chores before I finish the rest of my routine. After blog duties, I sit down at my vanity to do my makeup. The key to nailing your makeup application is to only use your go to products, especially if you are in a hurry. I use almost the exact same products every single day. I have it memorized and I can do it super quick. I will of course switch up my lip colors, or maybe even an eyeshadow color here and there, but I try to keep it basic. If you want to know the products I use on an everyday basis, check out THIS POST.

How to Nail Your Morning Beauty Routine vanity, makeup, morning, glam room makeup application, highlighter, vanity, Glam Life Living How to Nail Your Morning Beauty Routine

4. Have an Outfit Formula

Don’t worry, this won’t require any algebra! But I find the fastest way to picking out your outfit in the morning is to have an outfit formula. How mine works is I will first pick out my top. Then I will find a bottom that compliments that top. Then I choose my shoes. And last I pick a few accessories that will compliment the outfit. Another way to is to choose your focus piece, and then style the whole look based off that. Find a formula that works for you and do it everyday!

Picking out an outfit in your closet on Glam Life Living How to Pick Out Your Outfit in the Morning Hair Curling Routine on Glam Life Living

6. Hair Styling Routine 

Soft curls are my signature look. I have this style down so well that I can do it in 5-7 minutes. The best way to simplify your morning hair routine is to have a signature look and stick with it.  I use the same products and tools on a daily basis to make the whole process quick. If you want to watch a full video on how I do my hair on a daily basis, then click HERE.

Caviar Hair Spray by Alterna |Hair Curling Routine|Morning Hair Routine on glamlifeliving.comHair and Makeup Routine on

And that is it for my morning beauty routine! The key is having a handful of products that you can count on, and doing it every single day! What does your morning look like? Comment below!