4 Books to Read to Kick Start Your Business This Year

January 7, 2020

Best Books of 2019 for businesses #booklist #readinglist #books #read What I’m Wearing


Best Books in 2019, Florida Blogger, Eva Franco, #read #booklist #evafrancoMetallic copper top, peplum top, Eva Franco, The Oxford Exchange Tampa, best Instagram spots in Tampa #tampa #instagramspots

“We become the books we read.” Matthew Kelly 

I was never the smartest kid in the classroom. Okay, well maybe once. As a quick backstory, I was homeschooled until the 7th grade due to my dad’s intense travel schedule as a musician that prevented us from being able to be in a school system full time. Entering into the school system was a difficult transition and definitely put me at a disadvantage in grade school and early high school. I remember realizing quickly, that I was going to have to work EXTRA hard to keep up with my classmates. 

Freshman year of high school, I had the school thing down a lot better, but I was still a little behind academically. I was “placed” in Pre Alegbra and the lowest English class. I begged administration to allow me to take regular Alegbra instead, and they allowed it after some careful consideration. But I had to stick it out in my English class. Well I decided from day one that I didn’t belong there, and I worked my butt off to prove it. Needless to say, I ended up acing the class, AND my teacher recommend me to skip straight to Honors English the following year! 

I tell you this not to brag, but to tell you that learning was not something that came naturally to me. I think it is because of these experiences early on that instilled a hard work ethic and love of learning in me. I discovered that the more work I put into something, the more I got out of it. This drive is a big reason that I am such a lover of nonfiction reading. I am always looking of ways that I can better myself or my business. 

Best Books from 2019 for businesses #read #books #oxfordexchange #tampablogger

“We become the books we read,” is such an accurate quote because what read is how we think. And how we think is how we act. And how we act is who we become. So read what you want to become. It is the surest journey to your truest self.

Truthfully, I did not read that many books last year. But the books that I did read or listen to via Audible, were truly exponential for my business. So today I am revealing those 4 books that will kick you and your business right in the butt! 

1. Start with the Why by Simon Sinek 

Sinek’s main point is that all successful entrepreneurs and businesses are that way because they had a solid reason or “why” that drives everything that they do. By reading this book, I realized that I had a solid “why” starting out this blog, but lost sight of it for a bit. This enabled me to rediscover my “why.” He gives so many wonderful examples and tells many stories. Honestly you do not need to read this all the way through, but I loved it so much that I did! 

2. Atomic Habits by James Clear 

This book is all the rage. This was actually my second time reading it through. And to be completely honest, the first time I read it, it changed nothing. I found it extremely interesting, but it did not affect my life. The second time around, I went into the book knowing which habits that I wanted to start. And I think having that initial background knowledge of the book allowed me to make practical  steps toward changing my habits this second time reading it. So I do recommend actually taking the time to do his “action steps” and knowing the habits you want to start or stop. The reason that I suggest this for your business is because it is just as important to set up systems in your career just as in your personal life. 


The Oxford Exchange Tampa, Best Instagram spots in Tampa, best photo spots in Tampa

3. Branding by K. L . Hammond 

Although this one is not as “enjoyable” to read, it does give really value insight on small details like fonts, coloring, and logos that are all little things that can have a major influence on your brand and the way it reflects in your business. It was reading this book that inspired me to rebrand Glam Life Living and redo the entire site! 

4. Work Party by Jaclyn Johnson

In this read the founder of Create and Cultivate, Jaclyn Johnson shares her journey toward becoming a successful woman business owner of multiple companies and the lead up to starting the massive Create and Cultivate community and conference. Although I mainly enjoyed her story telling and learning of her experiences, this book is a great kick in the pants reminder of the time and hustle it takes to really thrive in your business. 

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What were some of the most powerful looks that you read this past year? I would love to learn of your recommendations!

Thank you so much for reading! 

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