7 Books to Read This Year

July 29, 2016

7 Books to Read This Year |glamlifeliving.com|

I would definitely consider myself a book worm at heart. My father is book hoarder. I am not even joking. My parent’s entire house looks like that of the library from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. My parents rewarded reading and I often feel that I inhered my father’s book hoarding gene. Although I probably read no where near the amount of books that some avid readers might, I still make reading a part of my everyday life. One of my favorite quotes is “You become the books you read.” Reading gives us knowledge and can make us better people. We often make the excuse that we don’t have time for reading. But if we think about all time we spend on social media and in front of the television, it probably isn’t true that we “don’t have time.” It is more like we don’t MAKE time!

Big Little Lies |7 Books to Read This Year|Books to Read This YearHannah Fashion Blogger Dog Theodore |Shorkie Puppy|The 10X Rule |7 Books to Read This Year|Audible App |7 Books to Read This Year|My Audible App Books glamlifeliving.com7 Books to Read This Year

Something that really changed my reading game at the end of last year was downloading the Audible App. For $15 a month, you are able to get one free book a month as well as discounted prices on all other audio books. I am not sponsored in any way, I just am completely obsessed with the app. I now read in car, while I am cleaning, and even doing my makeup. I am able to read/listen to so many more books this way!

At the beginning of this year, I shared 9 Books Worth the Read and you guys seemed to really enjoy that post. So today, I wanted to share with you some “fun/ fluff” books I have been reading as well as a few that have really changed my perspective this year.

1. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

I highly recommend this book for any person in the creative industry or entrepreneurs. Gilbert talks about creating for the sake of creating and not focusing so much on how much success it may or may not bring us. She refocuses on the ideas of curiosity and using your talents to bring joy to other people.

2. Make It Happen by Lara Casey 

This books was completely different than what I was anticipating in a really good way. She shares how you can “make it happen” by reordering your purpose with God’s plan. I was surprised at how much God was emphasized in this book. But it really is another great read for entrepreneurs.

3. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

I read this book in two days. My dad actually made me read it once in high school to get out of being grounded (you can see what I mean when I said reading was genetic for me!) I found the book at a thrift store and decided to read it again. It is such a touching story that will make you cry and remind you of what is really important in life.

4. Yes, Please by Amy Poehler 

Everyone and their mother has probably read this book. But I actually really enjoyed listening to it on audio. She is obviously hilarious, but aside from her humor I found her story of success to be a reminder that we all start from the bottom and really have to work hard to get to the top.

5. Why Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Similar to Tiny Fey’s Bossy Pants, but still very very different. This is such a funny book and great for pool side reading. If you are a lover of the show The Office, than this is definitely a must read. 

6. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

I am currently listening to this book on audio and nearing the end. He gets me so fired up! This is such a good book to kick start your motivation and remind you that you need to work harder to get what you want. Success takes 10X the effort you think it does.

7. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

If you are not a big reader and you are looking for something to jumpstart your journey, than I would recommend this one! It is about the life of 3 Kindergarten moms and their secrets. It happens to be a murder investigation, but the twist is you don’t know who died until the end! I read it in less than a week.

BONUS READ: I am currently reading Where’d You Go Bernadette.

What amazing books have you read this year! I would love to put them on my list!

7 Books to Read This Year |glamlifeliving.com|


Ooh can’t wait to hear how you like Where’d You Go Bernadette – that’s been on my list for forever! I recently finished reading Seveneves by Neal Stephenson and I’m currently about halfway through The Taming of the Queen by Philippa Gregory. Definitely digging both (at least thus far!)
XO Amanda | http://www.glitterandspice.com

Thanks for the recommendations Amanda! I will be sure to check them out!

I love reading and thanks for your suggestions, I’ve just added the 10x rule and make it happen to my Audible wishlist. x

You’ll love them both!

Awesome post, I’ll share this on my Twitter soon. Big magic was seriously such a life-changing book to read and Amy Poehler is my spirit animal!