9 Books Worth the Read

January 22, 2016

9 Books Worth the Read9 Books Worth the Read9 Books Worth the Read

9 Books Worth the ReadReading to me is like that boyfriend that is always there in the background and you are constantly breaking up and getting back together. There are times were you spend a lot of time together and just can’t get enough and then you go through periods where you want nothing to do with each other. When I am in the reading state of mind, I just can’t get enough. I soak in every word and rapidly move through the pages like there was a prize to be received at the end of the book. In the beginning of 2015, my reading relationship started off strong and then went to a complete halt until October. Then I bolted to the finish line with several more books.

I am very particular about the books I choose to read because I take them very seriously. I will often read a book twice or even three times before I move onto the next one! I know you think I am crazy, hey I probably am! But I do this because I really want to make sure that I truly understand and immerse myself into the lessons and advice the book is relaying to me. I typically am only this way this Non-Fiction books since once you know the ending of a story, it is kinda over… ha!

This year was one of the best reading years for me. I truly loved every book I read and they truly changed my perspective and really pushed me in the right direction of self discovery. As the wonderful author Matthew Kelly says, “You become the books you read.” So why not read some pretty amazing books, so you too become pretty amazing!

So without further rambling, here are the books I read in 2015!

1. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

The irony about this book is that I read it every day on a train on my way to the city for makeup class! Thankfully nothing tragic happened to me while I was on the train reading it! If you like thrillers or mysteries you will not be able to put it down! I highly recommend this in the Non-Fiction category.

2. Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

After watching the epic Gone Girl Movie, I had to pick up another piece from Gillian Flynn. It was definitely very different from Gone Girl, and focused on a woman who sorts through her traumatizing past of her murdered family members. It takes you through her process of finding out the truth of who killed them.

3. I’m Not Okay. You’re Not Okay. But It’s Okay. by Chris Padgett

 Got to give a little shout out to the author of this awesome book, who happens to my my father!  In his book, he challenges us to break away from the face we put on that pretends to have it all together and figured out. It encourages us to work toward becoming a better version of ourselves even though we are all broken and imperfect.

4. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

This was easily one of the best books I read in 2015. Hal discussed how the most successful people in history are ones that wake up early. He gives a six part structure to starting your perfect morning to become the most successful person you can be.

5. Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht

In this book, a DKNY PR girl gives advice on landing your dream job as well as spoiling secrets of the fashion industry. I actually listened to this book on audio while on a roadtrip and really enjoyed her stories of the magazine world and fashion industry drama. It reminded me of a devil wears Prada type.

6. You Are a BadAss by Jen Sincero

This book helped me realize that I needed to adjust my attitude and take on a more positive outlook on life. Her humor and way of writing is really intriguing and hilarious at times. She makes you laugh and sets you straight on the path to becoming a badass!

7+8. Beauty Detox and Beauty Detox Foods by Kimberly Snyder

All about eating for beauty, Kimberly Synder coaches you on eating like a celebrity nutritionist and encourages you to ditch highly alkaline foods that just make you bloated and your skin blotchy. These two books completely changed the way I ate and completely altered the way I grocery shop! Great books if you are looking to loose weight or clear your skin with a holistic perspective.

9. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Everyone and their mother read this book last year and I now I understand why! I read this during the last week of December and it was the perfect book to kick start the new year. Sophia shares her story of starting Nasty Gal,a  Vintage clothing shop on Ebay and turning into a multi- million dollar company. She shows you how to be a #GirlBoss by getting down and dirty and doing it the hard way.

I have already started my 2016 reading list and can’t wait to embrace new nuggets of inspiration I gain through throwing my head into a new book. What did you read this year? I would love to read your recommendations!


I LOVED Girlboss! It inspired me to take the leap to leave my 8-5 job and start my own business!

Thanks for the ideas! I saw the “You are a badass” the other day and thought about picking it up 🙂

It was good! The only chapter I was a little unconvinced about was the one on meditation!