Finding Your “Why”

September 23, 2019

classic button front cream midi dress, vintage inspired style, vintage style, fall style, elegant fall style, feminine fall style What I’m Wearing

Dress: J.O.A (Nordstrom) Under $110 // Heels: Here // Bag: Similar // Hair Clips: Similar

Vintage inspired cream dress, button front long sleeve dress, vintage style, vintage fashion, feminine style

I’ve been struggling to write my content for a while now. The photography aspect of the site has been something that we have worked hard to improve over the course of time. And I grew to really enjoy that process of learning how to edit and produce better quality photos. But when it came to sitting down and writing the content for the blog post of the day, I often felt stuck or at a loss of what to write about. 

I would blame it on a number of things. I was just “tired from trying to balance it all, that when it came time to write, my brain was fried.” or maybe I “needed to gain more inspiration and research trending topics.” Or “people barely read blog posts anymore anyway, so why even put much thought into it.” These were all statements that have crossed my mind when trying to produce titles of articles and come up with content for this very space. 

I share this with you because I believe that I lost sight of my WHY. A “WHY” is a reason or a belief in why you are doing something. Every business has a reason for starting in the first place. Many of us venture off in our journeys seeking out something, whether it be a fitness goal, health goal, spiritual goal, business, goal, etc. But it is our “WHY” that can determine if we are successful on the journey. 

feminine style, vintage style, vintage fashion, glam life living, button front cream dress All white fall outfit, feminine fall outfit, vintage inspired fall outfit, vintage fashion, vintage style

I just finished to listening to a book called Start with the Why by Simon Sinek. And this book has single handedly rocked the entire foundation of my business.  Sinek goes into why some business have been more successful than others and discusses how a business’ sole reason (why) for existing can have a direct impact on success. As I was reading this book, I started to think about how I had lost sight of my “WHY” for Glam Life Living. Originally (YEARS ago), this site had started out as a makeup blog where I taught women different makeup tips and helped woman feel more confident and beautiful. But as time progressed, I got caught up in the “WHATS” of my business and lost sight of the reason that I started this space in the first place.

Through reading this book, I determined that I have always believed that my sole purpose of being on this earth is to become the best version of myself. And although I will never reach my potential, I will continue to work toward it because it is in striving to become all I can be, that I can have an impact on the world and society. Remembering this belief that I have had, I realized that my pursuit of finding the “WHY” in my business was not as complicated as I thought. The why of my business is directly correlated to what I believe. Glam Life Living believes in giving women the tools she needs to become a better version of herself. 

vintage fall outfit, feminine fall outfit, fall style, cream button front midi dress, glam life living, Hannah McDonnell feminine and vintage fall style, all white fall outfit, cream button front vintage dress, glam life living, Hannah McDonnell

How to Find Your Why 

During my journey to rediscover my “WHY,” I realized that my mind often went to thinking about what other people would want my “WHY” to be. I tried thinking of things that others would easily relate with instead of looking inside myself to find my own core beliefs and correlate them to my business. 

Ideas to Stimulate Your Thinking:

Write a list of things you stand by or believe in

Do you have a mantra or motto you always say?

Is there a particular subject or cause that you feel extremely passionate about?

Is there a skill or talent that you have that could benefit others? 


Write it Out 

Your “WHY” statement should be exactly that: a statement. I found it helpful to write in as such

[Your business or your name] believes that ___________________.

Example:  Southwest airlines believes in the equality of people and providing customers with the highest level of customer service. (They make this known by their unclassified seating.)


french girl style, vintage style, blonde hair, french fashion, vintage fashion

As I have started to refocus on my “WHY” [Glam Life Living believes in providing you with the tools you need to be a better version of yourself], I have started to think about how I can serve you better. So if you do have any thoughts or recommendations on what you would like to see on the blog or other platforms, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. 

Also, let me know if you would be interested in a blog post on how to write a mission statement. I plan on writing mine again soon and would be happy to share that process with you as well. 

Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and read today’s post! 


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