How to Successfully Reorganize Your Life

February 22, 2017

How to Plan Your Life |Planner Tips|

Planner: The Happy Planner  Stickers: StickerApp c/o  Phone Case: CaseApp

We are about to get super real. My life has been a little on the chaotic side recently. It has been really difficult to keep up with all of my responsibilities and hobbies more than ever, and the first area of my life that started to suffer was my apartment. I had seemed to have lost all organization, which is completely unlike me. My husband can attest that I was constantly a whirlwind around the apartment, cleaning and organizing like crazy. But then, it was like the hours in the day were cut dramatically and I had no time to do anything. I was in survival mode. I only knew what was happening in the next hour or so and I wasn’t properly planning my day. I finally had enough of living by the seat of my pants, and I said “enough is enough!” 

“Preparation is victory. When we are in the trenches, we often feel like we will never get there. We will always be on the road to success, but never arrive. But preparation is the key to victory.” I actually just quoted myself. In a previous blog post, 5 Things My Husband Has Taught Me About Success, I talked a lot about how if we want to achieve our goals, then it takes a lot of preparation. And the truth is I needed to hear that again. Purely surviving won’t get you very far. It might keep you afloat, but it won’t help you gain any distance. 

I know a lot of us struggle with balance. And I think it is something we will struggle with for the rest of our lives. But today I wanted to share a few things that helped me get back on track. These tips really launched me in the right direction, and have given me clarity and peace of mind. 

the happy planner |How to Reorganize Your Life|

1. Start with a Clean Environment 

I find it almost impossible to work if my environment is chaotic. I can’t focus if the dishes are piled up and laundry is all over the floor. Now I realize that sometimes the thought of cleaning your entire place is extremely daunting. But I promise you, the other steps won’t work if you do not start with a clean environment. I woke up early on a Saturday and cleaned until I felt peace. Maybe you will feel peace simply after wiping your countertops. Or maybe you need to dust every single surface in every single room. Do what YOU need to do to have clarity. 

How to Reorganize Your Life |Planner Tips and Stickers|

2. Take a Moment to Relax

I think this step is really important. Because sometimes when we are too hasty to jump into a task, we forget about important details. Take a moment to be grateful. Say a prayer. Do mediation. Do something that will relieve you of stress and give you a clear mind so that you can begin the planning process.  

StickerApp custom stickers

3. Find a Work Space You Love

I often feel “uninspired” if I am trying to sit down and write a blog post on the couch, while my husband is sitting there watching a hockey game. Sometimes we have to make a little extra effort to find or make a space in which we can work more efficiently. Either make a little nook in your home, office, or even head to a local coffee shop so that you can be more productive and get organized. 

StickerApp |Custom Stickers|

4. Take Out That Planner

I am a big believer in writing things down. I am often guilty of relying on my mind to remember too much. I think, “Oh I won’t forget that.” Or “I don’t have enough going on today to make a list.” But I always regret not taking the time to get it down on paper. Because yes, I often can remember it all. But I often feel more relieved or less overwhelmed if it is on paper and I don’t have to depend on my memory. 

Custom Stickers from StickerApp |How to Reorganize Your Life|

5. Get Creative and Have Fun!

Organizing your life or day doesn’t have to be this huge and daunting task. It can be fun and you really can get creative with it. Recently StickerApp gave me the opportunity to create custom stickers and I have totally been obsessed with planning my day with them. I actually went on Pinterest and saved a bunch of my favorite illustrations to my desktop and then made a few of my own custom sticker sheets. It has really made me excited about organizing and planning my day. 

It might take a couple of days or even a week for you to make all these steps to get organized. It took me a couple of days with cleaning and planning before I started to feel organized and relaxed. Be patient with yourself. As long as you are taking steps in the right direction, you will eventually make it to your destination. 

Thanks for reading today’s post. Hope you found it somewhat helpful!