What I Wore to My Baby Shower

July 12, 2017

floral bodycon maternity dress | The Perfect Baby Shower Dress|Dress: ASOS

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of traveling back home to New York for my baby shower. It was a lovely time spent celebrating and preparing for baby Oliver. I didn’t take many photos of the occasion mainly because I was just soaking up time with loved ones. I did want to do a post sharing the dress I wore because you all seemed to love it on Instagram

It is very cliché to choose a dress color based off the gender. Moms to be typically wear pink for baby girls and blue for boys. I searched around the internet and didn’t really find anything that excited me in terms of a blue color scheme. Breaking against the mold, I decided to go with this floral number that emphasized the bump to perfection! 

If you are a mom to be, here are a few tips I thought I would share about picking out a dress for your baby celebration! 

1. Keep Comfort in Mind

Even though you want to feel beautiful and confident, you also need to keep in mind that you will be entertaining several guests. This will involve being on your feet for a long period of time. I really wanted to stick it out in heels, but if you feel more comfortable in flats wear them instead!

2. Be Choosy About Fabric and Style

It is a well known fact that tighter dresses tend to be more flattering on a pregnant body; however, some women just might not feel confident in that type of style. Whether you choose a body con style or something a little flowy, remember that you want a flexible fabric that will not wrinkle easily. 

3. Plan Ahead

I highly recommend starting the search for your dress a couple of weeks in advance. It can be really difficult to find a style you love with limited maternity options. I have found ASOS to be a great site for maternity clothes that are both affordable and trendy. 

4. Do You!

Some people might express that you should wear a certain color or style to emphasize a  theme or trend. But don’t worry about sticking to a stereotype. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful. Pregnancy can be difficult on the body, and feeling yourself isn’t always easy. So pick a style that makes you feel confident and happy on the day of your shower.

I hope you found these tips helpful in picking out that perfect baby shower dress! Congratulations if you have a little nugget on the way!

pregnancy style, maternity, baby bump, bump stylepregnancy style, maternity style, baby bump, floral baby shower dress pregnancy dress, maternity style, baby shower dress Asos Floral Maternity Dress | The Best Baby Shower Dress| pregnancy style, maternity style, baby shower dress, asos floral maternity dress pregnancy, baby bump, what to wear to your baby shower


You looked do gorgeous at the shower. Never saw such a beautiful mother to be. Ypy make it look so glamorous, baby bump and all