What’s In My Bag?

February 18, 2016

What's in My Purse?I am a curious person. Chances are if I have been over to your house, I have probably snooped through your medicine cabinet! I know I am nosey, but I just can’t help myself! I think I just love knowing what other people are loving and using. I have this sickening desire to know what the best products are. And I of course love trying new things! That is unless it is my favorite item on a menu! |Bag Here|What's In My Bag?

With this curious tendency, I obviously love reading posts like this that allow me to know the contents of someone else’s life. I especially love knowing what other girls are carrying around in their purse. Let’s face it, if it is in your purse it is probably very important!

Today I am giving you a peak into my bag! These are the goodies I carry around with me on a daily basis.What's In My Purse?Planner | Hand Cream| Lipgloss |Sunglasses| Roller Ball|

What's In My BagWallet |YSL LipsticksWhat's In My Bag?

Bag| Mirror| Lip Balm| RoseBud Salve| Roller Ball|

What goodies do you carry around on a daily basis?!


This is so adorable and I’m the exact same way! I’m a sucker for knowing all the secret things people are carrying around with them, haha. Is that a little pouch that says “getting my glam on”? It’s really cute!