How to Wear Print |Be Bold in Life and in Fashion|

June 3, 2016

How to Wear PrintIt is easy to get discouraged by life. It throws us too many curves balls every single day. Sometimes when the road gets tough we feel like giving up or giving in. But athletes don’t break scoring records by passively playing games, and sales goals are not met by being a mediocre worker. It is during those times when we feel like giving up that we are to push harder. And when we break that barrier, we become better.

Play with Print |Be Bold in Life and in Fashion|Be Bold in Life and in FashionBe Bold in Life and in Fashion ||How to Wear Print | Be Bold in Life and in Fashion|How to Wear Print |Be Bold in Life and in FashionBe Bold in Life and in FashionPlaying with Print on glamlifeliving.comHow to Wear Print

Today in spin class the instructor was tough on me. She actually called my name in front of the entire class and told me to increase my resistance. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, she did it two other times! “Hannah, harder. Increase your resistance,” “That’s not enough, more Hannah.” I couldn’t believe she was putting me on the spot like that. But I think the truth is that sometimes we need that extra push in life to get us where we need to go.

We need to be bold and courageous in our everyday lives. One of my favorite ways to “live on the edge” is to take a chance with an outfit choice. We can’t always play by the rules, that wouldn’t be any fun! Bringing some bold prints to your wardrobe is a great way to start living more boldly!

So without further rambling, here are my tips on wearing prints!

1. Pair with Neutral Accessories 

Although I don’t always play by this rule, if you are new to experimenting with a patterns it is best to start with neutral accessories. That way the focus of the outfit is not taken away by other bold accessories.

2. Smaller Print is Best

Again, this is defiantly not a rule. There really are no rules in fashion, only tips. But smaller prints tend to be more flattening on all body types. Bigger prints tend to enlarge the area it surrounds. If you are nervous to be bold in your prints, then start with a small scale print.

3. Stick with a Flattering Color Scheme

I definitely recommend going with a color palette that you know looks good on you. For example, I have blue eyes and I know that blue is a color that almost always looks good on me. So start with a color palettes that is flattering to your skin and hair color.

Don’t give up. Life is full of many surprises. Why not surprise the world with some boldness in your outfit today?

Until Monday,