Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

January 26, 2016

Valentine's Day Gift Guide

               Travel Mug / Lipsticks/ Lip Earrings / Throw Pillow/ Tray/ Face Mask / Candle                           PurseWatch  / Lip Balm / Parfum Spray / Wallet / Set of Glasses

 I have always enjoyed Valentine’s Day. I mean the Holiday embodies all that is girly, pink, glittery, and feminine! Why wouldn’t I like it! But aside from all of the frivolous features of the day, my loved ones have always tried to make it extra special for me. When I was a kid, I would wake up to rows of heart shaped streamers and pink and red balloons tossed about the house. Even in my college years, I was that nerd still passing out those cheesy Valentine’s Day cards with Disney Princesses on them! Whether you are single or are going out to celebrate a relationship, Valentine’s Day is a great way to show anyone in your life that you love and appreciate them.

I am so thrilled because this year I am going to get to celebrate the day not only with my amazing husband, but also with several friends from college who are coming to Vegas during the week! I will be doing a couple other Valentine’s Day related posts as well so keep your eyes peeled for those!

So if you are looking for a gift idea for your girl pals or wanting to spoil yourself, I have linked some cute and girly gift ideas for this Holiday of love! Have fun shopping!