Spotify Romantic Movie Soundtracks to Put You in a Cozy Mood

September 22, 2020

Best Romantic Movie Soundtracks to Listen to on Spotify #spotifu #moviesoundtracks Shop My Outfit


Music can have such an influence and power on your mood and state of being. Think back to your favorite memories or experiences. Often those times are associated or remembered by a song or album. If we hear a song that reminds us of a positive time in our life, we become instantly happy. And of course, the opposite is true with a song that brings up sad memories. 

I was never much of a music lover. My dad was a musician, so music was always a big part of my life. But I think because of that, I never felt an urge to search out and find my own taste in music. I allowed other people like my family, friends or even boyfriends to dictate the playlists of my life. But when quarantine hit, for the first time, I felt the desire to create my own music identity! You are probably going to die of shock, but I just got my first Spotify account two months ago!

The Best Romantic Movie Soundtracks #moviesoundtracks #spotify

As you can probably tell from my content, I do have a love for older things. And the same goes with music. I bought my husband a record player for Christmas two years ago, and that was really one of the first times I found myself seeking out old music and discovering vintage records at thrift stores. I still do love my records, but for practicality, I knew it was time to start my own Spotify account to listen on the go.

During my time of recent music exploration, I discovered that I loved listening to movie soundtracks. I found that the melodies made me feel like I was being whisked away into the story line of my favorite characters. Especially with the change of seasons, I have wanted to bring a more cozy environment to my home. What a better way to set the scene, than with some romantic movie soundtracks!

The Best Romantic Movie Soundtracks #spotify #moviesoundtrack

If you are looking to create a romantic and cozy setting through the form of music, I have rounded up 12 romantic movie soundtracks that are in my Spotify library. There is a mixture of both old classics and new loves for a well rounded listening experience. I hope you find a new listening love that can help you make new and happy memories this season! 

The Best Romantic Spotify Playlists #spotify #playlist The Best Romantic Movie Playlists on Spotify #spotify


What are your favorite albums or playlists to listen to on Spotify? Share them in a comment below!