How to Pull Off Power Clashing

April 9, 2018

how to pull off power clashing, black and white power clash, power prints, Las Vegas Fashion Blogger

Pants: Romwe c/o Top: Similar, Similar Hat: Similar Shoes: Marc Fisher Blazer: Similar

Even as a fashion blogger, I find myself getting stuck in style ruts on occasion. We all have our zone of comfortability that is comprised of our favorite fabrics, colors, and styles. Afraid of crossing over the line, we stay in our little fashion bubble. As the trends reinvent themselves from season to season, we make the decision of whether or not we will succumb to their loud and persuasive ways. 

Power clashing has been a concept that has been around for quite a while. As do a lot of trends, it graces the fashion world with its presence every couple of years. Right around the time when Pinterest was getting big, bloggers everywhere were mixing prints in all kinds of ways. Even my father attempted the style a few years back. Apparently at the time I told him there was a good way and a bad way to power clash, and he was in the bad category. Ouch! Harsh Hannah! 

Well let’s just say I don’t want you to end up in the same category! So let’s go over my tips on how to pull off power clashing without looking too busy or silly. 

Las Vegas Fashion Blogger, power clashing, white and black print, power prints

1. Keep Both Pieces in the Same Color Scheme

This is definitely the most important thing to remember. The first article of clothing has to have the same colors as the other article of clothing you are clashing with. It doesn’t have to have every single color that the other item has, but it does need to have 2-3. For example, both the top and pants in these photos are black and white. 

Las Vegas Fashion Blogger in black and white print, black blazer and black and white crochet top, boat hat

2. Keep the Accessories Simple

I suggest keeping your bags and shoes neutral if the colors you are power clashing are bright. If you are mixing neutral colors (like I am in these pics) you can have a little fun with one accessory. But I wouldn’t go crazy here. Stick to one pop of color. Afterall, the clothing should be doing the taking. I mean you are POWER CLASHING! 

black and white outfit, gingham pants, yellow heels, power clash outfit

3. Choose One Large Print, and One Small Print

Another rule of thumb is to have one article of clothing have a large scale print and the other have a smaller scale print. My top in these pictures have bigger geometric shapes than my bottoms with their small checks. 

Summer Outfit, gingham pants, yellow heels, boat hat, power clash, black and white outfit

4. Don’t Rush In!

Play around with this concept in front of a full length mirror at home before prancing the halls of your office! You will definitely want to take some time to practice before boldly running out the door. Listen to your gut, if you feel really silly, than it is possible it looks that way. But if you have a feeling like it looks a little different but kind of cool, you might just have nailed it! 

black and white crochet top and black blazer with boat hat

Combinations That Usually Work

Florals and Stripes

Large Polka Dots and Small Polka Dots

Stripes and Sequins

Checks and Florals

Florals and Florals 

black and white bold prints, b+w outfit, fashion blogger from Las Vegas, summer outfit

Some Inspiration!

boat hat, black blazer, black and white crochet topHave you ever tried power clashing? I hope after today’s post you think about giving it a try!

Thanks for reading. Happy Monday!