Newborn Photos + Two Week Update with Baby

September 21, 2017

baby boy newborn photos

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baby Oliver, newborn photos, newborn baby boy

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baby Oliver's Newborn Pictures

newborn photoshoot, newborn baby boy, newborn photoshoot

newborn baby boy and his dad, newborn photos, newborn baby boy

newborn baby photoshoot, baby Oliver, baby boy

baby Oliver newborn photos

baby Oliver newborn photos

It is as if I blinked and it is already toward the end of September! I can’t believe how quickly the past two weeks have gone, yet how long some days feel. Oliver will be two weeks on Saturday. I really wanted to take some photos of him while he was still in his tiny newborn state. I promise we will get back to fashion and beauty posts soon, but I couldn’t resist sharing some of these newborn photos! 

How is Baby Doing?

Oliver is doing great! We initially had to stay in the hospital for a total of 4 days because of his bilirubin levels. When we got home, we had two other pediatrician visits that week to check up on him. Finally, at the end of last week his levels were normal. Since he was born, he has gained almost a pound, making him 7 lbs 6 oz now! So I guess you can say he is a great eater! 

How is Mom Doing?

The first week of recovery was definitely tough. I found it hard to walk and sit at times, but thank heavens for pain medication! I also struggled with some postpartum migraines, nausea, and heat flashes. I have tried to get back into as normal of a routine as possible by getting dressed and putting makeup on almost every single day. I find that it really makes me feel more like myself. At this point, it is just learning to manage getting very little sleep! 

Is He on a Schedule?

Definitely not! I feed him every 2-3 hours, but because nighttime sleep has been such a struggle it is hard to start our day at a reasonable time and maintain any kind of schedule. He is very restless at night and has a difficult time going back to sleep once he wakes up. I have not gotten more than 2 1/2 hours of consecutive sleep in about two weeks! Plus, my mom was here the first week and my mother in law is here now. So we are still just enjoying down time with family and friends.

How Much Has Life Changed?

This is a difficult question to answer. Obviously, things are very different now. But there is something that seems so normal about having little Oliver around. I still have my same interests, passions, and basic routine. Yes, things take longer to do and running errands are more challenging. But that hasn’t stopped us from going about our business. I think it really has to do with your mindset. I decided I wanted to jump back into life as quickly as possible. And that is what I did. Granted, we are only two weeks in! So much can and will change over the weeks to come! 

Ask me again in a couple more weeks and I might not even be able to type cohesive sentences from sleep deprivation! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for a new momma by leaving a comment! 

Dress: Gamiss