My 2015 Reading List + ANNOUNCEMENT

February 9, 2015

blogIt has been way to long since I have done a lifestyle post, so I thought I would share with you my reading list for this year! I have always loved to read. I do think it is almost a genetic characteristic due to the abnoxious amounts of books my dad has hoarded in his basement! But over the years, I have been more and more distracted by technology and have spent less time reading.

This year I decided to take more time for reading and “unplug” more often.

Here are 10 books I plan on reading in 2015!

*Read till the end for a special announcement.


1. Dark Places

After watching the disturbing but thrilling movie Gone Girl, I was intrigued by the other pieces that Gillian Flynn has written. Dark Places seems to continue with the theme of intoxicating mystery.


2. The Girl on the Train

This thrilling novel has quickly made its way to the top of the best selling list. It’s erie narratation is comparable to the works of Gillian Flynn. I love a book that leaves me desperate to turn the next page.


3. Yes Please

There are times when you just need to sit down and have a good laugh. In Amy Poehler memoir, she continues to bring smiles to the audiences’ faces with her quick and witty humor.



Sophia Amoruso describes how she went broke to “bad ass” in her book #GIRLBOSS. Her “rags to riches” story is one any woman would want to read to gain a little inspiration for their future.


5. Shoo, Jimmy Choo!

In the moment, I can get distracted with the fluorescent lighting illuminating the shinny objects in the department stores. Catey Hill  dictates how us modern girls can learn to monitor our spending and save more!


6. Michelle Phan Makeup

I am a sucker for a good makeup manual, and when the well known YouTube beauty guru, Michelle Phan, came out with her own manual, I knew I had to read it! She also shares her secrets to success in the beauty community.


7. Against all Grain

I will be the first to admit that I am not much of a cook! This year, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to be more comfortable in the kitchen. My mom introduced me to this book and I am anxious to begin my kitchen experiments with this Paleo Cookbook.


8. Cameron Diaz Body Book

The first thing that attracted me to this book was of course how incredible Cameron Diaz looks for her age! In her Body Book, she shares her secrets to living a happy and healthy life.


9. I’m Not Okay. You’re Not Okay. But It’s Okay. 

Sometimes we don’t feel as great inside as we lead on. In Chris Padgett’s book, he challenges us to face our insecurities and have peace with being true to ourselves. We might not be okay, but it’s okay.


10. Big Little Lies

I can’t count how many times I have seen this cover in the bookstore and wondered what it was about. I finally decided to put the curiosity to rest and put Big Little Lies on my reading list this year. The book is centered on modern, married women who tell lies to not only those around them, but also to themselves.


It will definitely take some dedication for me to finish ten books this year, but I really want to get better at spending more time with a good book instead of plopping in front of the TV. What books are on your reading list this year?!


I am so excited to reveal to all of you that today I am starting my course to becoming a professional makeup artist! After my schooling is complete I will be certified to do anything from bridal, runway, or television makeup! I will keep you posted on my journey and look forward to giving you more insight on the beauty secrets I learn. Please be patient with me during this time. Due to the daily hours of the course, I will be busy and my posting schedule could be affected. I will do my best to be consistent with posts. I can’t wait to share all my secrets with you all during this process!

Thanks for Reading!