Making Time to Play

March 5, 2019

Gal Meets Glam Poppy Dress, spring dress, colorful plaid dress, spring dress, spring style #galmeetsglam #gmg #poppydress #plaiddressWhat I’m Wearing

Dress: Gal Meets Glam  //  Wedges: Soludos   //  Curling Iron: T3   //  Lipstick: Charlotte Tilbury

Gal Meets Glam Poppy Dress, spring dress, colorful plaid dress, spring dress, spring style #galmeetsglam #gmg #poppydress #plaiddress

We all do it. We work and work and work. Then one day, we feel frazzled, worn out and frustrated. What happened? We’ve been on the right path, putting in hours into creating our dreams, but we don’t feel fulfilled. There’s one big reason for this: we forgot to play. These words were said to me by my lead in work and they hit me like a ton of bricks. 

Have you been there? I have gotten so used to pushing my boundaries and biting off more than I can chew that I have neglected to appreciate and allow myself that much needed time to just play! It is easy to get swirled up into the never ending to do lists and stop to take a moment to just be. If you are anything like me, you almost feel guilty for taking a moment of honest fun because you always see the mountain of other thing to be done. 

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My husband actually thinks that I have a mild case of ADD, and to be honest I think he might be right. I have always been a busy body and had trouble focusing on just one task at a time. I constantly find myself feeling guilty for binging on a show or just taking time to do something that is just for pure fun. But it was this email from my supervisor that said these words that really made me reconsider my perspective. 

“Time off and relaxation is key to creating positive morale and an efficient workplace.”

We need relaxation to be inspired again and excited about the work that we do. It is OKAY to step back and truly take a moment to play and do something that you love that is just for you. My dear friend, it is more than alright to play. In fact, I dare you to make the time for it. 

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I’ll be honest and say that there is a part of this outlook that does not feel natural to me. But you have to take time to enjoy, maybe even in a macaron or two, so that you can come back to what it is that you have to do feeling inspired and excited. So in reality, playing is just as important as working hard. Do not fall in the trap, as I have as, feeling guilty about taking time off. You not only deserve it, you NEED it! 

What to Wear to Spring Showers, baby shower outfit, bridal shower outfit, plaid dress, gmg, gal meets glam collection dress, poppy dress, colorful dress #gmg #galmeetsglam #plaiddressWhat to Wear to Spring Showers, baby shower outfit, bridal shower outfit, plaid dress, gmg, gal meets glam collection dress, poppy dress, colorful dress #gmg #galmeetsglam #plaiddress

We will all “play” a little differently. Some may want to get outdoors and spend time in nature. Others will indulge in fancy and yummy treats. Or maybe you just need to relax and binge on your favorite show. Better yet, perhaps all you need is to step outside your usual limits and bring a little playfulness to your everyday life in the form of fashion. Whatever you do to unwind, make the time for it. Do not feel guilty for feeding your soul with the necessarily pleasures it needs to continue grinding it out day in and day out. 

What to Wear to Spring Showers, baby shower outfit, bridal shower outfit, plaid dress, gmg, gal meets glam collection dress, poppy dress, colorful dress #gmg #galmeetsglam #plaiddress

How will you make time to play this week? What is your favorite way to unwind? Share your secrets by commenting on this post.

Thanks so much for reading!


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