How to Look Well Rested After No Sleep!

May 17, 2018

fashion blogger glamlifeliving, beauty secrets, how to look well rested

Robe: Corsetwe  Fragrance: Valentino Donna Aqua  Jade Roller: LATOIRE Hair: T3 Curling Iron 

My biggest beauty struggle is puffiness. It seems like no matter how much or how little sleep I get, I always struggle with those under eye circles and overall puffy look. This has only been enhanced since having my little boy! Plus add on those frequent glasses of rosé and sugary treats and the mornings can be a rough situation to try to cover up!

 So many mornings I have woken up after a night of crying, multiple wake ups from a baby, or even up too late binge watching Netflix, only to wake up to a disaster! Many of us can probably relate to needing to show up looking presentable and awake with little time to completely transform our sleepy state. So what do we do when we need to look fresh, but have little time? Follow these simple steps and you will be looking like your regular self even after a rough night!

How to Fake Looking Well Rested

1. Hydrate!

Especially if the puffiness is caused from too many glasses of rosé, you need to replenish your body with water. This dehydration is a huge cause of the puffy look. So first, down a large glass of water. But don’t stop there! You also need to put moisture back in your skin with your favorite creamy moisturizer. If you have a few spare minutes, throw on a hydrating face mask.  

how to fake a good night sleep

2. Depuff

If the eye area is particularly bad, like after a night of crying, you will want to tackle the situation a few different ways. First focus on getting the swelling down with a very cold compress. Some people use frozen spoons, but I actually like to use a cold Jade Roller. This tool is also excellent for lymphatic drainage. But you roll it in outward motions and it does an excellent job of making your face look and feel more awake. If I am going to an early morning event, I will go the extra step and apply a caffeinated product. This will do wonders for physically awaking your eyes. You can also just seep some tea bags and place them on your eyes. Or you can purchase my favorite emergency eye mask from 100% Pure

deputing secrets
3. Conceal 
If you have depuffed and hydrated as much as you can, then there is only one more thing you really can do. And that is hide it girl! Thank God for makeup! Am I right? Now there are a few tricks when applying your makeup that will make you look more refreshed. The first is applying a luminous and hydrating primer. The next is not going too heavy handed with your concealer and foundation. Go for more glowy and sheer products as opposed to full coverage. For blush, choose a bright shade, like a pink. This will make you look more youthful. Keep eyeliner thin and small. Open up your eyes by curling your lashes and applying a black mascara. Top it off with a glossy lip color, preferably a bright shade as well! 

how to look like you got a full night's rest
Of course at the end of the day, we will always look a little less than ourselves when we are not taking care of our body by giving it the proper rest and nutrition it needs. I am the poster child for this right now. With the stress of moving and a baby, getting a full night’s rest is a rare occurrence. So we got to fake it till we make it ladies! 
Did you learn anything from these tips? What are your favorite tips and tricks for looking fresh and awaken on your rough morning? Share your advice in the comments!