How to Look and Feel Good This Winter

December 10, 2018

black and white Tanya Taylor Dress #dallasblogger #tanyataylor #christmasdress #winterflorals

With all of the over indulging in Holiday party treats, the winter pale skin, and the dreary weather, it is all too easy to feel a little less than glamorous this time of year. This is usually the part of the season that we start to think about our New Years Resolutions and vow to start them with intention on January 1st. But the thing is we don’t have to wait to till the New Year to feel great about ourselves. 


Trust me when I say that I know how crazy this time of year can be and how tempting it is to put everyone and their mother’s needs above your own during the chaos of the season. But we really do deserve to feel magical too. Just like we would give anything to give our friends, family, and children a wonderful Christmas season, we should also love ourselves enough to take special care of our needs too. 

Tanya Taylor dress #dallasblogger #tanyataylor #holidaydressTanya Taylor Patchwork dress #dallasblogger #fashion #holidaydress

I have discussed on the blog before that I really do believe that how we dress can dramatically impact our mood and outlook. I actually wrote an entire post called Dressing for Happiness that you can read to dive in a little deeper. But aside from putting on a cute outfit, I wanted to bring you a few other tips that I found to improve how I look and feel when I am feeling a little down or in a funk. 


1. Limit Alcohol and Sugar

I know. You are probably like, “seriously Hannah?!” But don’t worry, I am not telling you to abstain for the rest of the season! But I have noticed that after a week of a little too many sweets, I like to take a step back give my body a break. Even if it is a few days, this will give your immune system time to recover a little before the next Holiday party. 

Holiday dress #tanyatayor #patchwork #dallasblogger Dallas Fashion Blogger in Tanya Taylor red and black dress #holidaydress

2. Have a Little Pamper Night 

When money concerns, family drama, and too many cocktails have your head spinning like whoa, take a step out of the chaos and into a warm bath. Treat yourself to a cozy night in with a good book, relaxing music, candles, and maybe even a face mask. I know it can seem like so much effort to set it all up, but I know that I have never regretted taking a bath! 

black and red patchwork Tanya Taylor dress #christmasdress #holidayfashion

3. Put on Some Self Tanner and a Red Lipstick

This may sound awfully specific. But I am serious when I write that having a tan and a bold lip actually does something to my confidence. It feels great having a tan mid December! 

Tanya Taylor dress #dallasblogger #dallasfashion #christmasdress #holidaydress

I know this time of year is stressful. But remember to take time for yourself. You deserve to enjoy yourself just as much as the next person. So carve out the time for it. You won’t regret it!

Thanks as always for reading today’s post! 

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