Life is Never as Perfect as an Instagram Feed

August 2, 2018

A few months back, I wrote on the topic of Instagram Jealously. In that post, I discussed my experiences with social media comparison and 6 tips on how I was able to “quit Instagram jealousy.” But this past Friday, I was able to attend a blogging conference in Manhattan and it has had me thinking about how deceiving Instagram can be. The topic I want to bring into discussion today is how life is never as perfect as an Instagram feed
When I think about myself, I know that my intention is to never come across as perfect. Because honey, I KNOW I am far from it. But I realized that it can be easy to look at social media and believe that someone’s life is close to that. The reality is that social media has become a way to build community and even build businesses. This has given people hope and a platform to pursue their dreams in ways they never could before. It really has been a gift for so many of us not only in terms of income but also as a way to connect with friends, family, and even complete strangers. But there have definitely been some downsides as well.  

The perfect outfit for looking casual chic while running your errands is today on Glam Life Living. This real life style outfit is both casual and cute!Look casually chic in this easy errand running outfit! Glam Life Living is sharing how she steps up the usual boss babe outfit for all the busy ladies of the world! Casual can still be cute!

Because many of us women are striving to build businesses and communities, we work hard on establishing an ascetic. We want our Instagram feeds to contain high quality images that are even branded to fit our longterm goals. Every single image is planned, thought out, and edited to meet those requirements. The thing is that Instagram is far from INSTANT these days. But you know what, that is OK. It’s okay as long as you know that behind every blogger and Instagrammer is a real person. A person who has flaws, bad days, struggles, and deals with real and even deep issues just like everyone else. 

I am actually not bringing up this topic up for myself. Because my following is still quite small in comparison to this large world of social media, I am blessed with having an encouraging and supportive community. But I wanted to open up this discussion because I think so many of us do get sucked into the comparison game not only on Instagram, but also in real life. 

Dallas Blogger of Glam Life Living is sharing her go to chic outfit for running errands!

My goal in this post is to remind myself and you to “have courage and be kind.” We really have NO IDEA what everyone around us are going through on a daily basis. Life is tough and I know I have encountered so many loved ones and even acquaintances who have struggled with large issues like depression, anxiety, divorce, addiction, loss of a loved one, health issues, YOU NAME IT. Let this be a reminder (me absolutely included) to treat those around us with love and kindness. 

I am so guilty of getting sucked up into my little bubble. We all have our own shit (excuse the language) going on day in and day out. But we have to remember to pop that bubble from time to time and look outside of ourselves. 

Look cute while running errands in this adorable outfit. This white ruffle sleeve top and button ankle skinny jeans will elevate your usual errand running outfit. It can be easy to compare yourself to a perfect Instagram feed. But remember that life isn't always as pretty. In today's post I am sharing this casual chic outfit that is perfect for errand running as well as opening up the conversation on not allowing yourself to be sucked into the Instagram comparison game. #instagram #casualchic #casualoutfit #easyoutfit

Remember, “life is never as perfect as an Instagram feed.” When you are scrolling, admire and appreciate, but don’t let it get you down. You are beautiful and worthy. We are all on the battlefield of life together. So let’s stand together and fight for and not against each other. 

Thank so much for taking the time out of your day to read this post. I really appreciate your support.