A Goal Without an Action Plan is a Dream

September 21, 2016

Fall Fashion and Cheetah Print Scarf on glamlifeliving.com

Scarf: Less than $3, Jeans: Here  Shirt: Similar  Bag: Here

Over the past couple of weeks, I have developed somewhat of a motto. I find myself repeating it to myself and often to the people around me. I am usually one who steals inspiring phrases from my hubby, but even he has taken a liking to my new mantra. 

“A goal without an action plan is a dream.”

I am pretty sure I came across this phrase on Pinterest. I mean let’s be real. Pinterest is basically where we go to get wisdom in any area of our lives. She is basically like your grandmother who knows everything about anything!

There was just something about this quote that really stuck with me. And I have been reflecting on it for several weeks. I think the truth is that we all have dreams and aspirations. Some may be to lose weight, get a promotion, raise a family, write a book, or run a marathon. No matter how big or how small those goals might be, there is real potential in achieving them. There is only one barrier between accomplishing your goals. And that is YOU. You must create an action plan if you want your goals to be more than a mere glimmer or dream.

I find that there is something so relieving about writing things down. Whether it is meal planning, grocery shopping, to do lists, or goal setting. Getting it down on paper can do miracles on clearing your mind. Something I have been meaning to do for weeks now is to sit down and write a list of my long term goals and look at that list every single morning. So let’s do it together. Block off a section of time today to sit down and reflect on your goals. Physically write down your goals and a few action steps for each goal. Then display it in an area of your house that you will see everyday to remind you.

You know that quote, “If your dreams don’t scare you, then they are not big enough.” Well, I never really understood that quote until recently. I think what it means is if you are not excited enough by your goals, then you will not have a fire under your butt to make them happen. If you don’t REALLY want them, then you probably won’t work hard enough to get it done. But if your goals are so exiting that you wake up in the morning, eager to do anything and everything you can to get closer to them, then I would say you are on the right track. Are you goals exciting enough to light a fire under your butt?

Cheetah Print Scarf and Olive top with Black Jeans and black Kate Spade Bag on glamlifeliving.comA Goal Without an Action Plan is a Dream on glamlifeliving.comFall Fashion in Cheetah Print Scarf, Black Jeans, Olive Top, and Black Kate Spade Bag |A Goal Without an Action Plan is a Dream| on glamlifeliving.comCheetah Scarf and Black Kate Spade bag and Olive Top on glamlifeliving.comOlive Top, Black Jeans, Cheetah Print Scarf, Kate Spade Bag | A Goal Without an Action Plan is a Dream|Fall Fashion |Cheetah Print Scarf, Black Jeans, Kate Spade Bag, and Olive Top| A Goal Without an Action Plan is a Dream on glamlifeliving.com


I came here to comment on you outfit which I love but I read your post and I love it even more. I am gonna steal your mantra and keep saying it. I also agree now after reading it that that quote if your dreams don’t scare you . . . I totally think you have to be excited about your dreams . . . recently I have become for mine this was so eye opening to me THANK YOU!

Life is just Rosie

Thanks so much! I greatly appreciate it!