Get Date Night Ready in Only 15 Minutes!

January 17, 2018

metallic pleated midi skirt, date night outfit, New Years Outfit

Skirt: Here, Similar, Similar  Top: Here, Another Option  Earrings: Similar

Life often presents us with last minute opportunities. Your friend calls you after work and wants to grab cocktails. A work meeting turns into a business dinner. Or the hubby calls to make reservations for dinner to celebrate a work promotion. We are left destroying our closet trying to find an outfit to throw on before heading out the door. For many of us, we lost the luxury of taking a hour to get date night ready a long time ago. We are just too busy! But I know we also want to look polished and sexy for those unplanned events. 

There have been many occasions where my husband has scheduled a last minute dinner with coworkers or random weeknight celebratory meal. It has happened enough to where I have my own little recipe for getting ready quickly without sacrificing style. So today I am sharing top tips on looking date night ready in only fifteen minutes! This concept can still apply for other after work events that you want to look put together for as well!


metallic midi skirt, new years eve outfit, date night outfit, fashion blogger

1. Work with the Makeup You Already Have On (3 Minutes)

Girl, there is no time to completely redo your makeup. You will have to choose a few key features and work with what you got. I usually reapply some concealer under my eyes and a few spots on my face. Then set with powder. Blush tends to wear off throughout the day, so you will want to touch up those cheeks. Finally, I will reapply some mascara, touch up my lipstick, and move onto my hair.

metallic skirt and black cropped sweater

2. When in Doubt, Curl It Out (6 Minutes)

Even if you have had your hair up in a pony all day, you still have time to make it more presentable. First, spray some dry shampoo and comb through it. Then take a big barrel curling iron and section you hair off into 2-3 inch sections. Curl away from your face and only hold for a few seconds. You will not get actually curls, but this will add dimension, shape, and volume! 

black fur cropped sweater, metallic skirt, new year look, fashion blogger glam life living

3. Have Two Outfits On Standby (3 Minutes)

At some point, this kind of last minute situation will pop up in your life. So it’s time to be prepared for it! I suggest having two outfits mentality picked out for those times when you are rushed to get ready. One should be more dressy for a nice dinner. Another more business casual. For the first option, I would recommend a nice skirt and cropped top or sweater that can meet in the middle.  Something like what I am wearing in these photos. It looks fashionable, but is also comfortable and modest. The second should be more casual such as a nice pair of denim, a blouse, and heels. Throwing on this previously picked out ensemble should only take a few minutes. 

fashion blogger glam life living

4. The Accessory Check (1-3 Minutes)

The last few details will only take you a few minutes, but will make a big difference in the way you look and feel before heading out the door. First, change out your work bag for a smaller clutch or handbag. Then, throw on your favorite pair of statement earrings. And lastly, spritz yourself with your go to fragrance. These simple steps will complete your look and make you feel more put together. 

fashion blogger in metallic skirt and black cropped sweater, perfect date night look, new years eve look

It may seem like a lot, but I promise you from experience it really does take only 15 minutes or less! I think the biggest time waster in last minute situations is picking out that perfect outfit. If you plan ahead for unforeseen moments, you will cut your getting ready time in half. Having a dresser and more casual outfit planned out for future events will take the stress out of primping. 

fashion for January, winter style, metallic skirt, black cropped sweater

And that’s it! How do you get ready quickly for date night? Share your favorite tips or secrets below!