Easy Weekend Look |Choose Joy|

September 9, 2016

Weekend Style on glamlifeliving.com

Sweater: Here  Jeans: Similar  Bag: Here  Shoes: Here

Weekend Look in Black Sweater and Grey Jeans |glamlifeliving.com|Fall Transition Look on glamlifeliving.comBlack Sweater, Grey Jeans, Pink Rockstud heels, Furla Bag on glamlifeliving.comGrey Jeans, Pink Rockstud heels, black and sweater on glamlifeliving.comWeekend Style |Black Sweater, Grey Jeans, Fura Bag, Pink Rockstud Heels|Easy Weekend Look on glamlifeliving.comGrey Furla Bag, Black Sweater |Easy Weekend Look|Easy Weekend Style on glamlifeliving.com

I have been staring at the screen for a while now, at a loss of what to write. I don’t really feel like chatting about our usual fashion and beauty tips. As much as I adore fashion, and have a joy for playing with makeup, sometimes it is nice to sit back and reflect on the more important aspects of life.

Life often seems like a balancing act. We are standing on a tight rope, trying not to fall to our deaths! While balancing, there might be the temptation to look down and see how high up you are, or maybe to look behind you and see how far you’ve gone. But I am sure as you have learned, the best way to keep your balance is to stand tall, look straight ahead, and proceed slowly.

There are so many daily distractions that it can be hard to decide which events and tasks are worth giving our precious time to. What really matters? How should be really be spending the limited time that we have? When life turns chaotic, it can be easy to reset to survival mode. You know the drill, going through the motions of your day without purpose as a race to make it to the finish line.

Something that I find myself often repeating is “Life is meant to be enjoyed.” It has become a personal manta of sorts. It might simple, but it holds more meaning than what is seems. You see every day we make choices. Events happen, situations occur, and life hits us. In those moments of difficulty, it can be easy to allow them to dominate our mood, attitude, and perspective. But if you try to see the positive in everything, than you are truly trying to make life more enjoyable. In all things, enjoy life. CHOOSE to find joy. Sometimes, it feels good to mope, get frustrated or vent to a friend. But only let the feelings linger for a moment. Squash them quickly with a new fresh attitude.

Gratitude has become lost in the world we live. We have developed an attitude of entitlement. But the truth is we are entitled to nothing except life. It is up to YOU to create the life that you want. Appreciate the life you have. And do anything and everything you can to make the most of it.