How to Dress More Vintage |VIDEO|

August 14, 2018


This past year my style has really started to evolve. I have heard for years that the older you get, the more you settle into your personhood. You look less to the outside world to determine who you are and you discover what you want to be by looking inward instead. I began asking myself questions like, “how to I WANT to dress?” “What really inspires ME? “What hobbies and pastimes do I enjoy?” As I pondered the answers, I begin to slowly realize the type of fashion I love best. 

Vintage style, especially the era of the 50s and 60s really does have a special place in my heart. I have mentioned on the blog numerous times my love affair with old movies and stars. Slowly, I started incorporating more retro styles into my everyday wardrobe. In today’s YouTube video, I am sharing my top 4 tips on how you can begin adding more vintage vibes to your wardrobe! 

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Thanks for stopping by. Check back again tomorrow for another post.