How to Create the Best Summer Bucket List

June 28, 2017

pink tea dress from Topshop |Creating Your Summer Bucket List|

Dress: Topshop, Similar  Shoes: Similar, Similar  Watch: Michael Kors

Summer break is finally here for most of us, and that means it is time to kick back and have a little fun! We look forward to this time of year for so long, but often we feel stumped as to what to do with this new found freedom. This can lead to a lot of wasted or unproductive time spent on the couch in front of the tv. But this summer, let’s challenge each other to think outside of the box and get creative with our summer plans. 

Life has been very crazy and challenging lately. I have been going through a lot with my family and my schedule has been absolutely insane. But when our world starts to spin, it is important to step back, breathe, and reevaluate. It can be both refreshing and fun to come up with a bucket list of things you want to accomplish in a given time to motivate yourself in times when you are feeling a little blah. I have decided to create a little bucket list for my summer plans and I thought it would be fun to share some ideas with you in case you need a little inspiration for some summer fun! 

pink retro tea dress |Tips on Creating Your Summer Bucket List|

1. Seek Out the Perfect Pool Scene

Lounging by the pool is an obvious must all summer long. But I bet there are a few pool locations in your area that you have yet to discover. Finding that perfect pool environment can really take your whole experience to a new level. Do a little research and I bet you would be surprised as to what is in your area! 

Tips on Creating Your Summer Bucket List |Topshop pink retro dress|2. Plan a Small Road Trip 

As fun as they sound, road trips can often feel daunting or exhausting. But if you cut your distance a little shorter, you will have an exciting trip without the long drag. My husband and I are planning on hitting up either Sedona, Arizona or L.A again before the end of the summer. These short four hour drives can give us that vacay feel without the extreme travel. 

retro pink button dress |Create a Summer Bucket List|  3. Plan an Outdoor Party

I am sure your schedule is packed with parties, BBQs, and bonfires. But how often are you the host? Planning parties can be so much fun if you add a theme and get creative. It doesn’t need to be a huge event, but playing hostess really can be fun! 

pink retro tea dress |How to Create a Summer Bucket List|

4. Actually Read Those Books on Your Nightstand

We are all guilty of promising to read a bunch of books, but never getting around to it. Give yourself a specific date to complete a book by and I guarantee you will feel more motivated to finish it. If you set specific goals, you are more likely to achieve them. 

Creating a Summer Bucket List

5. Finally Get Around to Orgnaizing 

I know Spring is typically that time we purge and organize, but summer is also filled with some opportune moments to get it done. Especially before baby Oliver comes, I am wanting to organize all of those annoying areas like under the sink storage, spice cabinets, closets, and pantry. 

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Other Ideas: 

master some new recipes                              

  try a new coffee shop every week

take a dancing class                                          

make a vision board

sign up for a gym membership                        

 learn how to do your own gel manicures

find a new walking trail                                      

write short stories for fun


I also like to utilize Pinterest for creating bucket lists. Make a secret board and pin some ideas on what you want to do this summer. And when you need a little push or inspiration, look back on your secret board to check your progress!

Share some of your ideas in comments below!