Doubt is a peaky little bitch. Excuse the language. But I really couldn’t think of another word to replace it. She makes those little comments that make you question everything you thought that you knew. She lingers long after her welcome. And walks into the front door without an invitation. This topic has been on my mind because I have been played by her a lot recently. So much change has happened so quickly over the course of these past weeks and it has forced me to deal with the questions that have been wandering around in my head for such a long time.
So many of us are guilty of underselling ourselves. We hesitate when someone compliments us. We worry about what others will think. And we forget that we were born for greatness. Our greatness is quite different from one another. But we are great nonetheless. That is why I have been thinking of our friend Elle Woods. She believed she could. And she did. And in all honesty, sometimes you just have to fake it before you make it. That’s why I have always loved clothing. You can be anyone you want to be just by changing your look. So why not be Elle Woods today. Sure you can wear pink and pull of that Oxford chic. Or you can be her from the inside out. And stand a little taller. And believe that you can. And you will.
P.S Look out for my Travel Guide to Disney coming soon!