Bringing Classy Back from The Dead

October 8, 2018


Pink drop waist dress on Glam Life Living #classy #classyoutfit #femininestyle

Since it is October, I thought I would tell you a little scary story. Once upon a time, there was this elegant woman who believed that ladies should take control of what they wore. She made a name for herself designing the most intricate handbags and clothing. Women all over cherished her designs and wanted to one of their own. But then darkness fell. As the years went on, the young girls of the world wanted something that took little time but made them feel attractive. Their idea was to create space to do more of what they loved. Although their idea was full of great fruit, each decade the trends allowed for more looseness. The hem lines got shorter and women everywhere became to accept that the more the outfit showed, the more attractive they were. The legacy of class was left far behind and the age skin tight clothing and short shorts arose. The elegant hero and inventor of class was long forgotten in the modern age of the Kardashian. 

Okay, obviously I am joking. And don’t worry, I am not judging you for wearing short shorts 😉 But I do want to talk about the connotation that comes with the word classy. For some reason, over the years it has come to mean boring. And for the longest time, I actually had the same feelings on the word myself. In my everyday life, I had people tell me that my style was classy. And to be honest, I would get so annoyed. I would think, “well great, they basically just said I look boring as hell.” But I have come to realize that what they meant is more elegant

Classy should not have a bad connotation. It literally goes against the meaning of the word. Classy is timeless. Classy is beautiful. Classy is elegant. Why wouldn’t a woman want to feel those things in her style.  Of course we all have our personal tastes when it comes to how we dress. Some are more laid back, some are edgy, and there are those like me for enjoy dressing more feminine. As always, DO YOU. But I have learned to take pride in my classy dressing. It does not make me boring or old fashioned. It makes it ME. And your style should make you, YOU!

Are you scared? Classy just came back from the dead.

Classy came back from the dead #classydressing #classystyle #classyoutfit #colalrdress #redvalentinoRed Valentino Pink Collar Dress and gingham bag #classyoutfit #classy #classystyleClassy pink collar dress and gingham bag #classyoutfit #classystyle #redvalentino pink crop waist collar dress and gingham bag form glam life living #classy #classystyle #classyoutfit #classyfashion Glam Life Living in Red Valentino drop waist collar dress #classy #classyoutfit #classystyle #chanelDrop waist collar dress on Glam Life Living #classy #classyoutfit #classystyle #pinkdress #collardress #dropwaistdress

Thanks for taking the time to read today’s post! 

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