How to Brand Your Personal Wardrobe

May 16, 2018

floral pants, spring business attire, Spring work wear

When you think about some of your favorite characters on your go to shows, have you ever noticed how consistent their overall look is throughout the seasons? Take Jess from New Girl, her style consists of all saturated bright colors with lots of pattern. She loves volume in her clothing with her flouncy, full bodied dresses and skirts. Or the classic Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl. Preppy, polished, and rarely seen in a pair of pants. And we can’t forget our iconic “IT” girl Rachel Green from Friends
Behind each character’s style there was intention. Each outfit and look was carefully manipulated to fit with the personality and role of the woman. When we interact with this character on screen, we feel like we know them and their personal style. But the reality is we can approach a similar consistency and reliability in our personal wardrobe! We should treat ourselves as an ambassador for our personal brand. 
Science tells us that attention spans are shorter than ever before. In just 9 seconds we analyzing those around us head to toe. So that means what we wear really does matter! Whether or not you run your own brand or business, you are expressing to the world who you are by the items you choose to put on your body day in and day out. So how can you establish this same time of reliability in your own wardrobe? Follow these simple steps and you will be looking as iconic as your favorite on screen movie star! 

professional work look for SpringYour wardrobe could be ruining your business1. Analyze the Your Current Closet Situation

Looking through your items do you notice a trend or theme? Do you tend to gravitate toward specific colors, fabrics, or patterns? Do you have a huge stack of jeans and no dresses? Figure out what your general tendencies are. Now, ask yourself if this how you WANT your overall vibe to be like. Your entire closet might consistent of bright and vibrant colors, but maybe you would prefer softer more neutral shades. Start asking yourself these questions and you will be ready for the next step.

2. Create a Vision Board

Whether it is digital form like Pinterest. Or a physical board where you find photographs of looks you love, make it happen. Visualizing your goals, even if they are simple style ones, can help you manifest them faster. So do the dirty work. It will pay off! 

3. Be Consistent 

Now that you know the look you desire to have, start working toward creating a wardrobe slowing. Intricately determine whether or not each item you pick up at the store will represent your personal brand. Once you start to collect an array of pieces in your theme, wear them often. And soon your style will be as refined as your favorite movie character. 

how to dress for your personal brandfloral pants for springprofessional spring wardrobeHow your wardrobe determines your personal brand

The concept of branding your own wardrobe might seem like too much effort. And yes it will take some time to accomplish. But as you develop your unique look you will find that making future purchases will come with an unexpected ease. If you like this concept of branding your style, check out Toi Sweeney.

And for fun, tell me your favorite tv show character in the comments! 

Thanks for reading!