A Letter to the Women Who Do It All

March 29, 2018

mother and baby on the beach, mom blogger, fashion blogger and baby, a letter to all the do it all women

Many of us women have a multitude of responsibilities. Life is a balancing act as we juggle many things that might include roles such as wife, mother, homemaker, full time employee, chef, chauffeur, counselor, lover, and the list can go on and on. As I type this, I have my 6 month old son on my lab as he chews on his giraffe teether, a pile of drool collecting on my lap. We not only carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, but also the weight of our loved ones. As women, we try to do everything and be everything to everyone.

You might have heard the phrase, “You can have it all, just not at the same time.” I have despised that saying for quite some time. When I became a mother, I made it my duty to hold on tight to the passions and responsibilities that were important to me prior to baby. I wanted to have it all. And all at the same time. But my husband knew better, and kept telling me that I couldn’t do everything. He knew I had too many cards on the table and eventually I would out play my hand. 

But I persisted, trying to walk the tight rope of life while juggling blind folded. At one point, I even thought I had succeeded at becoming super mom as I balanced titles of mom, wife, blogger, teacher, and homemaker to name a few. Until one day, I looked at my life and realized I was doing a mediocre job at a bunch of things and an excellent job at nothing.

As I looked more intricately at the pieces of my life, I realized I had placed items into positions out of force, rather than their appropriate fit. And worst of all, I looked at the picture I had created and saw I had placed some of the most important pieces last on my priority list. So yes, I suppose you can do it all, but not well. And what is the point of being and doing it all if you are not leaving room for the things that really matter. 

The phrase, “you can have it all, but not at the same time,” doesn’t have to mean that the areas of your life won’t sync up to having happiness at once. I think what it does mean is that we must always put our family and loved ones first and then find a place for all the rest. Some days you might have to delegate more time your sick children, other situations your work may be more demanding, or you may even discover and unexpected window of opportunity to dedicate yourself to your creative work. Unfortunately, we will always be on the journey to finding balance. But just remember that having it all should aways start with what is most important. Your family. So to all the women reading this today. It is okay if your to do list is is left with a few unchecked boxes, your laundry isn’t folded, dishes are still in the sink, or your special project was pushed back yet again. You are doing an amazing job. We are doing are best. And sometimes that is enough. 

We need to learn the lesson of finding simplicity. Moments like walking on the beach with your little one, enjoying a glass of wine with your husband, or chatting the phone with your bff for hours are the moments that should take priority in our life. There is always tomorrow. And if there isn’t, you soaked in the moments that count. 

Take a break there momma. You deserve it. 

Thanks for reading. Stop back soon!

mom blogger, mommy blogger, beach day with baby, a letter to all the do it all womenA letter to all the women who do it allmother and baby, a letter to the moms who do it all, a letter to women

