33 Week Bumpdate

July 25, 2017

pregnancy style, baby bump, maternity style, 33 week bumpdate

How Far Along: 33 weeks! Third trimester has really gone by quickly so far. But I am sure it will start to slow down again as I get closer to my due date and get more anxious to meet him. 

Cravings: I haven’t had any cravings since my last bumpdate. I will say that I have eaten more sweets than usual, but I think that is just because of all the company we have had recently! 

Weight Gain: I have gained 20 pounds so far. I have been using this chart to help me determine what is normal during each stage. 

Stretch Marks: I haven’t gotten any marks at this point. I have heard that it is really more of a genetic factor, and those creams don’t actually do much to prevent them. 

pregnancy style, baby bump, 33 week bumpdate


Those stereotypical pregnancy symptoms have really started to make their debut. I am almost in awe at how many times a day I have pee. As I have gotten bigger, I have started to adapt a little of that “pregnancy wobble.” It is so true that your sense of balance is so off during the final stages! My biggest struggle has been some abdominal pain that has been so intense that it has kept me up for multiple nights. And if I have had a more active day than usual, I will get some back pain. 

How I’m Feeling: 

If you follow me on social media, you probably know that around 30 weeks, I had to go to the hospital for chest pain and concerning contractions. After a fetal fibronectin test and a shot to calm down my uterus, I was able to go home with a sentence of “pelvic rest.” Basically that means that anything that puts any kind of strain on my pelvic area is a “no no.” I’m sure you can make some assumptions as to what that means. 

It has been a difficult few weeks since that incident. I have struggled a lot with pregnancy insomnia and constant exhaustion. I just wish I could get a little bit of sleep before this little guy completely disrupts my sleep cycle for the rest of my life!

baby bump style, maternity style, 33 weeks pregnant

What I’ve Been Doing to Prepare:

This month I have really started to get serious about prepping for baby. Second trimester, I really didn’t focus too much on being pregnant. I would read articles and a book here and there, but I honestly just went about my regular business. This month has been the complete opposite. I feel like everything I do is baby related in some way or another. James and I have been taking the classes that our hospital offers to feel as prepared as possible. We have taken two 3 hour classes on Prepared Childbirth and we have another one tonight. We have also taken another 3 hour class called Baby Basics. I have also signed up for our hospital tour, a breast feeding class, and I have started reading Baby Wise. Once baby comes, I plan on writing an entire blog post on everything I did each trimester to prepare for all my mommas to be out there. Or even if you are not expecting, you can use it as a reference for the future! 

33 weeks pregnant, baby bump, pregnancy style

What We’ve Purchased/ Received:

Since my last pregnancy update, I had my baby shower back in New York. You can see what I wore in this post. We were so blessed by the generosity of our family and friends, which was so helpful with getting some things we need for baby. We received this car seat. These swaddles feel as soft as they are beautiful. We got this play mat, which will be perfect for tummy time. This baby monitor will definitely give us some peace of mind at night. These Comotomo bottles are supposed to be really well received by new babies. Our dog Theodore has already tested out the Graco Swing. And this diaper pail is supposed to be the best at keeping that smelly odor at bay. And we also received this carrier and this baby wrap. If you are interested in a full post on what we have gotten for baby Oliver, l can do that as well! 

I also plan on doing a nursery reveal post once that is finished. We still have a bit of decorating to go, but I am hoping to have it done soon! 

pregnant blogger, pregnancy style, baby bump style, 33 weeks pregnant

Favorite Moments Recently: 

As the weeks go on, the reality that there really is a baby in there gets more intense. With so much movement, it is hard to forgot that I am growing a little human. Taking these classes at our hospital has really made me appreciate the abilities of the female body. It is truly amazing what our bodies are capable of doing. We were designed with such specific intention, and it has refocused my attention to the amazing love that God has for us. 

At my baby shower I received a bunch of baby books. So James and I have sat down a couple of times to read some books to my belly. It has been such a special bonding experience and it  has made me excited to have those special reading times when he is here. 

baby bump fashion, pregnancy, pregnant blogger, pregnancy fashion

There will probably be only 1-2 more bumpdate posts before baby boy is here! So, let me know if there are any questions or post recommendations you have that have to do with pregnancy. Thanks for reading. Stop back soon!