8 Books for a Boss Babe

July 10, 2017

8 Books for a Boss Babe, Girl Boss Books, books for entrepreneurs

“We become the books we read.” Matthew Kelly

Everyone wants to be a boss babe. In the past few years, woman have a new found sense of empowerment as they are more willing to go after their dreams than ever before. And I say, get it girl! But the truth is that we all have fears, insecurities, and worries that can put a damper on our mental picture of success. I have been guilty of falling into the trap of discouragement. And I have found the biggest life raft to be reading. A good book has the power to lift us out of a place of mental negativity, and bring us to a new positive light. 

It is no secret that I have a weakness for some aisle wandering at Barnes and Noble. Cracking open a new book gives me thrills. Over the past year and half or so, I have discovered some really amazing books that have given me a push in the right direction. Today I wanted to share eight books that are so inspiring. I highly recommend these reads for any of you who are interested in living life on purpose.

books for girlboss, 8 books for a boss babe, books for girlbossBooks for boss babes, girlboss reading, girlboss booksBest Books for Boss Babes8 Books for a Boss BabeBest Books for Boss Babes

1. Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley 

Known for her business of the Simplified Planner, Emily shares her journey of success with a refreshing sense of vulnerability. Social media often makes us feel pressured to have it all together. But Ley shares how we should live our lives with grace, not perfection. 

2. Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba

It is no secret that woman are known to be competitive. So often we have this mentality of “one (wo)man’s success is another (wo)man’s failure.” But the reality is that the statement holds no truth. Cara encourages us women to stick together and support one another on this journey toward success. She shares stories of women in the entrepreneurial field that are both inspiring and uplifting. 

3. She Means Business by Carrie Green

This is the book I am currently listening to on Audible. I love listening to it in the car to give me a boost of excitement about living life on purpose to work toward my dreams. Carrie Green has created a whole community for encouraging female entrepreneurs to do what it takes to create success businesses. 

4. Make It Happen by Lara Casey  

Publisher and editor of Southern Weddings Magazine, Lara Casey describes how she learned to turn away from an anxious life of chasing perfection to a life full of balance and purpose. She shares her experience and tips on making things happen without loosing yourself in the process. 

5. Boss Bitch by Nicole Lapin

This book is next on my reading list. Lapin encourages women to be the boss of not only their careers, but their lives. In 12 easy steps, she breaks down “how you can take charge of your career.”

6. Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht

Licht uses her stories and experience from the fashion world to rely her best secrets in landing your dream job. Her Devil Wears Prada type stories make you laugh while teaching you valuable lessons on what it takes to get the job you want. 

 7. The Woman I Wanted to Be by Diane Von Furstenburg 

In this memoir, Diane Von Furstenburg unravels the secrets of her personal life and successful career as a fashion designer. Her raw honesty of the ups and downs of her business reminded me that even those who have “luxurious” lives still struggle and fight for what they want. 

8. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth 

This book is the most dense out of all the picks. It is heavily based off research that states that talent will only take you so far in the journey toward success. True success takes a combination of passion and perseverance, also known as grit. 

Books have the power to shape us. Choose your reading list wisely. Let reading be the fuel that sets your passion aflame. 

What books have you read that have helped you get to boss babe status?!