Should You Be a Fashion Copycat?

August 15, 2019

Brigitte Bardot modern day style What I’m Wearing

Dress: Princess Polly Boutique ($50) // Bag: Princess Polly Boutique // Cardigan: Princess Polly Boutique // Heels: Sarah Flint

Brigitte Bardot style, pearl handbag, bardot style dress

One of my biggest pieces of advice when it comes to finding fashion inspiration is to find a muse. Fashion is obviously so personal, and we all approach it in a very unique way. How we get dressed reflects how we are feeling that day, our interests, opinions, and even our overall vibe. If you are someone who struggles to put outfits together, know that everyone starts somewhere. I also had ZERO background in fashion. Everything that I have learned has been self taught through reading, experience, and of course the internet! My point is do not be discourage by a lack of experience. EVERYONE can figure out how to put an outfit together that makes them feel happier and more confident. Sometimes we just need a little nudge of inspiration! 

Let’s be honest. Everything has been done before. There is a reason they keep remaking old movies over and over again. It’s because at some point, no content is actually new content. What I am saying is sometimes copying is OKAY! We all have to start somewhere. Just like when you were in a kid in school, sometimes you had to copy the teacher’s work off the board before you were ready to solve the problem on your own. Fashion is the same way. We can learn from other women who have strutted their high heeled stuff before us to gain a glimpse to a more fashion forward life. 

Brigitte Bardot style, pearl handbag, bardot style dress #brigettebardotBrigitte Bardot style, pearl handbag, bardot style dress

Many of us can identify our general fashion likes or dislikes. Categories like feminine, preppy, bohemian, edgy, and athletic have been used to generalized fashion tastes. And a lot of us; however, do not fall into just one category. We are dynamic people that cannot be fit into one confined box. But sometimes looking to a specific individual for inspiration can be an excellent place to start and really get to know your personal style. I have loved gaining inspiration from muses. A muse a women who you can identify with and gain inspiration from. I have had many who I have looked to for my own inspiration. Grace Kelly has been someone I have admired for a while, but recently I have been enjoying images of Brigette Bardot in 1960s. I suggest looking up photos of actresses or even Instagram gals to gain ideas of some outfits to put together!

Brigitte Bardot style, pearl handbag, bardot style dress #brigettebardotBrigitte Bardot style, pearl handbag, bardot style dress #brigettebardot

Do you have a muse? What do you usually do when you want to find some outfit inspiration?

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading today’s post! 

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