How to Write Your 2019 New Years Resolutions

January 1, 2019

What to Wear on New Years Eve If You Hate Sequins #2019

It has become somewhat of a tradition the last few years that I have written my New Years Resolutions in the airport on New Years Eve. We always end up traveling around this time of year. I will admit in retrospect that before having a child, your time at the airport and on the plane feels like a mini vacation. You are offered a free drink and a snack, can take a nap, read a book, or even watch a movie. The reality that I had time to sit and reflect on the previous year without trying to entertain a toddler for hours on end seems like a dream. But I digress. 

Resolutions can often seem like a wish we are throwing out into the universe, hoping for positive change to come our way. For example, you might find yourself saying things like,“I want to be healthier.” Or “I want to wake up earlier.” etc, etc. But I have found that if I put a little more thought, reflection and time into creating my aspirations for the upcoming year, they are more likely to come into fruition. 

I have mentioned on the blog in years past, that my family tends to do more of a Bucket List for the coming year as opposed to New Years Resolutions. A bucket list is a more tangible way to determine if you have achieved your wishes for the New Year. I have come up with my own little ritual that I do on New Years Eve that gets me into a reflective mindset and prepares my mind for the year to come. Today, I am sharing my little ritual with you in hopes that you can find time to set your goals and hopes for 2019. 

2019 New Years Resolutions, what to wear on New Years Eve

1. Review Last Year’s Resolutions 

This can be a step that you will probably want to skip. You may or may not feel guilty about not having achieved certain things or gone to planned destinations. But I urge you to push through these feelings.

First, look at the things you wrote last year and determine what you did and did not accomplish. If you did check a few things off of your list, take a second to celebrate! For the items you didn’t check off, ask yourself if you are even sad that you did not achieve them. Do you still want those things? Did they seem important at the beginning of the year, but now seem to hold little meaning? Pay attention to how you feel so that this can help you write your goals for 2019.

And last, write down a list of things that you did this year that were not on your bucket or resolution list at all. Did you have any unplanned surprises. As you know, some of the best things in life are not planned. Did you have a little one make their way into your life? Did you get married? Or maybe you ended up going on a trip that you were not expecting to take. When you look at all the things you didn’t plan to accomplish or do, but did anyway, you realize the blessings you did have this year. 

New Years Resolutions for 2019

2. Write a Rough DRAFT of Resolutions 

After looking over and reflecting on the previous year, start to write down a few items or resolutions that you THINK would make you happier in the upcoming year. List them in a bullet point format in no particular order. Was there something from last year’s list that you didn’t do that you still feel an urge to accomplish? Transfer it over to your new list. 

What to Wear on New Years Eve If you Hate Sequins

3. Read It Over and REVISE!

Be honest with yourself and ask if you actually want each thing. Is it there because you feel a certain pressure from outside sources? Do you really want to wake up earlier, or do you feel like you should. Are you happy with your figure but still feel a pressure to “be healthier?” Make sure that the things on your list are actually things that will make YOU happier and YOUR year better. If you have time, try to write a few literal action steps for how you will go about achieving your goal. For example, if you plan on running a marathon, make a few bullet points like. “Will sign up for the Boston Marathon in October.” “I will start training on July 2nd” Giving yourself concrete ways on how you will make it happen will give you added confidence and a plan of action.

2019 New Years Resolutions #newyearseve #2019

4. Put It in a Visual Spot

When you rewrite your final draft, make sure you put it in a spot that you will revisit often. I usually put mine in the notes section of my planner. Or you can hang it on a vision board or refrigerator. The goal is to look back at it once a month to check in our your goal. Maybe even mark your calendar one day each month to reflect and analyze how you are doing on your New Years Resolutions. 

I really believe that the best way to create a Resolutions list that will actually make you happier in the New Year is to take your time reflecting and creating it. Be intentional about setting your goals for 2019. Make an evening out of it. If you carve out time in your schedule to prepare and plan for the year to come, you will feel refreshed and revitalized going into it. 

What are some of the bucket list items or resolutions that come to mind for you in the coming year? I would love to read your plans for 2019 in comments section!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read today’s post! Happy New Year! 

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