6 Natural Skin Care Products That Work

February 27, 2017

6 Natural Skin Care Products That Actually Work |glamlifeliving.com|

Did anyone else watch the Oscars last night? I will be completely real and say the only reason I watch it is because I enjoy seeing gorgeous ball gowns on beautiful people. While watching, the one thing that I kept thinking over and over was, “All these women have the most gorgeous and glowing skin!” Now granted, we have all heard rumors on how elaborate and expensive the getting ready process is for the celebrities. But if I have learned anything about skin care over the past few years, it is that taking care of your body and using more natural products is the best thing you can do for your skin.

6 Natural Skin Care Products That Work |Vasseur Skin Care, Rosehip Oil, Tea Tree Oil|

If I were to have buried all the skin care products I have ever used, there would be a graveyard full of wasted money and useless products. A couple of years ago, I really deep dove into what really makes up our ingredient lists in our common beauty items and it totally rocked my world. I talk a little more about that in my post 7 Natural Beauty Buys Under $10. But I actually realized that I have never shared my holy grail skin care loves that I use on a daily basis! So today I am sharing 6 of my favorite natural skin care products that actually work. 

The Beat Natural Skin Care Products That Actually Work

1. Olive Oil Cleanser Vasseur Skincare

One of my biggest mistakes was using harsh cleansers with ingredients like salicylic acid. It is more important to choose something that is gentle on the skin that also removes makeup and bacteria. I love the way this cleaner easily removes my makeup and keeps my skin hydrated. 

2. Mandelic Acid Serum Vasseur Skincare

This has taken the place of the typical acne treatment products you would use such as glycolic or salicylic acid. These type of products are meant to exfoliate the skin and help with skin texture. Why I prefer this over the other options is because it is much gentler on the skin, yet still highly effective at treating blemishes. 

6 Natural Skin Care Products That Actually Work on glamlifeliving.com

3. ALA Cream Vasseur Skincare

You might have noticed that a lot of the products I use are from Vasseur Skin Care (no this is not sponsored). I just really believe in their products. ALA Cream has really helped to brighten my skin and give me an even skin tone. 

4. Eye Cream Vasseur Skincare

So I recently went without this product for about a month to see if I really needed to repurchase it. And my gosh did I miss it! It does a great job at keeping my under eye area bright and hydrated, without feeling thick or heavy. 

The Best Natural Skin Care Brands |Vasseur Skin Care, Rosehip Oil, Tea Tree Oil

5. Rosehip Oil from Triology 

This Winter my skin was feeling rather dry and I was interested in introducing an oil into my routine. After a ton of research, I decided on Rosehip Oil. I definitely recommend looking into it because it is a great oil for those of you who are acne prone but still dry. 

6. Tea Tree Oil

Aside from using a clay mask, I really hadn’t found a great spot treatment for blemishes. I read that tea tree oil can work well at drying out breakouts, and I have noticed it does help. Be careful to only apply it to the specific area you need it, because it can dry out the skin around it. 

Have you thought about diving into the realm of natural skin care? I definitely recommend switching a few of your products for a safer alternative! 


Thanks, Hannah, for this helpful post! I am thinking about products for my daughter as she enters adolescence to help her learn to care for her skin. I love that these are natural.