6 DIY Beauty Hacks

August 21, 2015

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Did you know that you can complete almost every step of your nightly skin care routine with products that you just might have in your kitchen cabinets? Whether you just want to give your skin a break from products with harsh ingredients or you have always been a DIY gal, today I thought I would share with you my 6 favorite beauty hacks.

1. Manuka Honey as a face mask

Honey has anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, and healing properties. For those with problematic or acne prone skin, you will love using it as a weekly face mask. I have also read that it can also be used as a daily face cleanser as well.DSC_0043

2. Vitamin E Oil for healing scars

Vitamin E is well known for its ability to help heal the skin. I love applying this to post acne marks or burns. You can also add a few drops to a DIY face mask for extra benefits.

3. Tea Tree Oil for spot treatment

Have a new friend coming in on your face? Try applying Tea Tree Oil to the blemish instead of a harsh spot treatment. Tea Tree Oil has antiseptic properties that can heal your skin faster. Use in moderation as to not irritate the skin.


4. JoJoba Oil as makeup remover

This oil does a great job at breaking down tough or water-proof makeup products. I love this for removing my eye makeup every night. Just apply to a cotton pad and wipe away!


5. Aloe Vera for healing scabs

I am guilty of popping pimples instead of just letting them run their course! When the mark starts to scab up and look dry, I like to apply a little aloe vera to help sooth and heal the skin faster!



6. Apple Cider Vineger as toner

Over the past few months I have been using Apple Cider Vinegar day and night as my toner. What’s great about it is that is restores the skin’s natural PH balance, helps rid the skin of excess oil, and can fad discoloration of skin over time. Best part is that the whole bottle is less than $5 and will last you forever!

I have really enjoyed incorporating more natural and organic products into my skincare routine. Of course I still enjoy other products that are sold in the main market, but it is nice to give your skin a break sometimes!

Have any of you tried adding more natural products to your routine? What are your favorite beauty hacks?