5 Ways to Treat Your Skin This Season + HydraFacial Review

December 7, 2016

Treat Your Skin This Holiday Season + HyrdaFacial Review

HydraFacial: Here   Sweater: Express   Necklace: Francescas 

Okay, I am turning down my Christmas music playing in the background to write this post because things are about to get REAL! So my skin has definitely been one of my biggest frustrations and insecurities as of late adulthood. I never really struggled with breakouts until college, and it has been a battle ever since. And for anyone who has also struggled with skin issues, I have such empathy because it seriously sucks.

I definitely don’t have the worst skin on the planet, but I have had my fair share of breakout battles. I actually got so sick of dealing with skin issues, that I decided to change my whole lifestyle in hopes of curing this never ending struggle. I actually went vegan 9 months ago, and it helped a TON! But I still get breakouts during that time of the month, while I travel, or even if I hate had too much sugar. I have learned a lot this year on how important taking care of your skin is and how it is so much more than simply using the right skin care products. 

Recently a skin care office here in Vegas contacted me about doing a HydraFacial review. I have had facials before, but I had never experience something as high tech as a HydraFacial. They invited me in for a complimentary consultation and treatment and I wanted to share my results with you! So let’s get into tip number one! 

5 Ways to Treat Your Skin This Holiday Season

1. Try a HydraFacial!

Dr. Pancholi’s office invited me in and my esthetician was seriously the sweetest woman ever.  If any of you are ever in Vegas, I highly recommend her. Anyway, I went with no makeup and she immediately began the treatment. It is a 3 step facial where they infuse serums into the skin. The serums have a variety of glycolic, salicylic, hyaluronic acid, peptides, and a variety of other skin are benefits. The treatment is perfect for all skin types and works to help blemishes, acne, textured, and aging skin. At the end of the treatment, she showed me all the impurities that came out of my skin, and it was terrifying, in a cool kind of way! She also gave me red and blue light therapy, which can kill bacteria of deep blemishes. I will admit that I did break out for several days after the treatment, but the texture of my skin looks so much better now! I still have one stubborn “time of the month” breakout, but other than that I am so happy with how my skin looks! You can read more about the treatment HERE

How to Get Good Skin This Holiday Season

2. Eat Healthy

This is one of the best things you can do for your skin and your life. Diet is one of the BIGGEST causes of breakouts, and the more I focus on the way I eat, the better my skin gets. If I am lazy, and I am not following my diet, then I see a huge difference in the way my skin looks. So eat as many greens as you can, and drink a ton of water. Speaking of which, I should go get some right now! 

3. Switch to a More Natural Skincare Line

I did a lot of research this year, and you would be shocked at some of the crap in your skincare products. I know investing in a good brand can be expensive, but maybe you can ask Santa for some new skin care goodies! My favorite line is Vasseur Beauty. You can see some of the specific products I like in THIS POST. 

Skin Care for the Holidays

4. Take a Probiotic Supplement 

Over Thanksgiving break, I forgot to pack my probiotic supplement. I truly believe that was one of the reasons my skin was acting up during my travels. A probiotic can help promote a healthy digestive track, which can in turn help acne. Many people eat yogurt as a sort of probiotic; however, dairy can be terrible for your skin. So I suggest skipping the yogurt. 

5 Ways to Treat Your Skin This Holiday Season + HydraFacial Review

5. Become a Green Tea Drinker

I recently became an avid green tea drinker. I have been drinking 2-3 cups of it a day. Green tea has so many antioxidants and can actually reduce inflammation, and can even make your skin produce less sebum! I have gotten my coffee down to one cup a day, and have been drinking green tea the rest of the day. Although, I will admit that I did get Starbucks today as a treat!

I could seriously spend all day writing about skin. Let me know if you would want another post about skin care soon! Thanks for stopping by! 


Disclaimer: This post was in collaboration with Dr. Pancholi. All opinions are my own!