5 Skin Care Ingredients to Avoid

January 20, 2016

5 Skin Care Ingredients to Avoid5 Skin Care Ingredients to Avoid5 Skin Care Ingredients to AvoidHow does it feel to know that your worst nightmare could be lurking around in your skincare products?! The rather contradictory aspect of the beauty industry is how products that are supposed to “help” us or “make us more beautiful” are actually housing some hazardous chemicals that could be making you age faster! Yes, you can let out a scream. I definitely did when I found out the truth.

You have to remember that the main goal of the beauty industry is to make money. That being said, keep in mind that fancy packaging, intoxicating fragrances, and words like “anti-aging”’ are all there to make you splurge on the product. It’s time to get smart ladies! Pull out your reading glasses because its time to start reading up before you swipe!

Top Ingredients to Avoid 

1. Sodium Lauryl or Sodium Laureth Sulfate

The rather depressing part about this ingredient is it actually present in at least 3 of your beauty products at home. It’s commonly found in face washes, shampoos, tooth paste, and body washes. It is that ingredient that makes a lather. Skip products that contain this because it can clog pores, dry out, and irritate the skin!

2. Lanolin

This is sheep skin oil that can be extremely pore clogging. People with acne prone skin should especially avoid any product that contains this ingredient.

3. Isopropyl Myristate and its analogs 

This is thought to be one of the worst chemicals to be found in your products. This ingredient is put in to make products feel more slick. The problem is that the oil is so strong that it is actually used in rust removers! Ew! I know I definitely don’t what that one my face!

4. Fragrances

Now this is a hard one. Why? Well because fragrance is in A LOT of beauty products. Fragrance can lead to a number of skin sensitivity issues as well as headaches, allergies, rashes, etc. So you might just have to choose between nice smelling and nice for your health.

5. Mineral Oil/ Petroleum 

This substance actually coats your skin and prevent it from releasing toxins. Therefore it builds up under the skin and can clog your pores! Even fancy creams by Le Mer ($300 moisturizer) have been known to use this ingredient in their products!

A note on Parabens: Parabens are used as preservatives. They are what make your products okay to use for the new two years before going bad. The issue is that they have been linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity. Sure it is nice to have your products last, but is it worth putting yourself in danger?

The key is to become more aware of what lies in your skincare products. Do your research before a big skincare splurge. Spending more doesn’t necessarily mean its good for your skin. But you would also be surprised how many dangerous chemicals lie in products at the drugstore as well! Get glam and get smart ladies!

Good luck on your next skincare extravaganza!