4 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Discouraged

July 20, 2016

4 Things to Do When You're Discouraged

Top: Similar  Jeans: Similar  Shoes: Similar  Earrings: Similar

We’ve all been there. You know, those moments when we just want to sit on the ground and mope because everything just seems to be going down hill. You’ve put in the time and work without seeing any results. “WHYY!” You might yell. But after the frustration leaves, you are left with mere disappointment.

During periods when we are feeling discouraged, it can be difficult to pick ourselves back up again. We stay on the ground, trying to find the strength to get back up without falling back down again. When our hearts are heavy, it seems almost impossible to change our attitude and become optimistic again.

4 Things to Do When You're Discouraged

So, how do you gain back your strength when you are feeling discouraged? How do we pick ourselves back up after failing again and again? My husband is a wise man. He has taught me a lot. If you haven’t read 5 Things My Husband Has Taught Me About Success than you should take a moment and learn what a smart guy he really is! One of the sayings that he has repeated to me more times than I can count is, “It’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” I am sure it is some lame quote from a boxing movie; however, it holds meaning that can be of value to all of us.

White Top and Grey Jeans with Cheetah Heels and Yellow EarringsIn this time that we live in, we have changed our thinking to believe that things should come easy to us, especially if we are “meant to do them.” But if you look back at history to figures such as Abraham Lincoln, he literally failed again and again for almost 30 years before he was elected President! Can we honestly say that we are getting up enough times before we admit failure? Would we really fail for 30 years straight and continue to try?

If you truly believe in your heart that you were meant to do something, than don’t stop. Don’t give up. Here are 4 Things You Can Do When You Are Feeling Discouraged.

4 Things to Do When You Are Feeling Discouraged 1. Express Your Thoughts

It might seem obvious, but sometimes we hold on to all of this emotion and feeling inside without giving ourselves an outlet. I find that especially when I write, I have a huge burden lifted off of me. Writing this post for example, made me feel immediately optimistic. If writing isn’t your thing, try confiding in a loved one or friend.

2. Read Stories of Success

There are so many inspirational stories out there where people defied all odds and became successful. Abraham Lincoln’s story is especially inspirational. Read an article or book about a person who achieved their dreams. You might be surprised how motivated you will become.

3. Look Back at Your Accomplishments

Often we get so fixciated on our goal that we forget to look back and see all the wonderful things we have already accomplished. Even if you are a long way away from achieving your goal, I bet that you have overcome some pretty amazing obstacles and done a few things you are proud of. Celebrate those accomplishments!

4. Remember Why You Started

If your goal or dream is really what you believe you are meant to do or achieve, then find inspiration by remembering why you even started in the first place. Was it to inspire other people? Was it to make the world a better place? Or even be better at your job so that you can be a better version of you. Whatever the reason, don’t forget why you began the journey you are on. The finish line might be a long way ahead, but you have too many miles under your feet to turn back now.

Don’t give up.