3 Tips on Wearing White on White

July 22, 2016

All White Look

Jeans: Here    Bag: Same in Pink   Shoes: Here   Top: Similar

Welcome Back! I want to start off today’s post with a little story! If you follow me on Snapchat [Username is glamlifeliving], than you probably already know the story I about to tell but you are now hearing all the juicy details…

White on White OutfitAll White Outfit with a Pop of ColorAll White Outfit with Neon Yellow PurseDSC_0373 White Outfit with Orange HeelsAll White with Pops of ColorPops of Color with All Whiteglamlifeliving Fashion and Beauty Blogger

On our way to take pictures for this post, we decided to take a little detour and try out this Harry Potter Coffee Shop we have been dying to try. I excitedly approached the counter and ordered a coconut lavender latte. I mean first of all, how darn cool does that sound? And yes you guessed it, it tasted just as good as it sounded! I quickly ran to bathroom before we left only to discover a giant black and grey mark smudged across the sides of my white jeans. I immediately fled the bathroom in desperation to tell my husband about the disastrous situation!

“Look at this! Can you believe it? This cannot be happening. We are about to take pictures in this exact outfit!” He didn’t seem to share the same frustration… I ran over to a deli next door in pursuit of stain remover. The man at the counter told me he did not have any; however, he offered to get me a hot wash color to attempt to scrub out the stain. After a few failed attempts, I decided to head over to Kmart and buy a Tide to Go Pen. After scrubbing my little heart away, I said screw it! Needless to say, there is a reason for the yellow bag in this blog post!

Life throws a lot of curve balls. But we shouldn’t be afraid to wear white jeans out of fear of getting them stained. And we shouldn’t be afraid to make decisions because they might not be the right one. Sometimes you just got to improvise! When life gives you a big black stain, combat it with a bright yellow purse!

3 Tips on Wearing White on White

1. Make Sure They are Similar Whites

It is not okay to mix cream with a bright white. Make sure that your top and bottom are similar shades of white.

2. Incorporate Some Texture

I think white on white outfits look a little more dynamic when there is texture in either the top or bottom piece. I loved how the lace detailing of the top made it stand out against the white jean.

3. Add a Pop of Color

Everything is more fun with a pop of color! I think adding some color in your accessories is a great way to add a little diversity to your all white ensemble. Plus your accessories will really do the talking against your all white outfit.

Do any of you have any crazy stories of horrible stains ruining an outfit? I’d love to read your comments!


So cool! Like your style!!! Have a good day!

XOXO from Moscow