10 Ways to Destress Right Now!

December 19, 2017

winter style, winter fashion, fashion blogger

Sweater: Gamiss c/o  Boots: Similar, Similar  Hat: Similar

As joyful and beautiful as the Holidays can be, they are also overwhelming and at times even stressful. Gift giving often brings money anxiety, family can be intertwined with drama, and for some the memories of  loved ones that or no longer present may even seem unbearable. Yes it is the “most wonderful time of the year.” But that doesn’t mean everything is perfect and easy. 

With Christmas less than one week away, I wanted to bring you some ways that you can relax and enjoy right now or even later today. I really believe that taking a little break for some “me time” will rejuvenate your spirits and help to relieve any tension. 

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life. “

– Jill Bolte Taylor


S h o p   t h e   L o o k

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1. Make a Starbucks Run

Who doesn’t love a cup of cheer?! 

2. At Home Pedicure

Decorate those twinkle toes.

3. Download a New Audiobook

Audible is my favorite way to relax while driving to work. 

4. Go for a Walk

Bundle up and throw some Christmas music on Pandora. 

5. Make a List

Getting all those mangled thoughts on paper can clear your mind and put you at ease. 

6. Youtube Yoga Video

New to Yoga? Try a beginner video on the tube! 

7. Write in Your Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal will keep you focused on the positive in your life. 

8. Have A Dance Party

It’s okay, no one is looking. Throw on some music and jam out in your living room. 

9. Take a Few Moments of Silence

Try not to think about anything but your breathing for 5-10 minutes.

10. Turn Off Your Phone

Wait until you’re done reading this post first of course 😉 Taking a break from technology for an hour or more will eliminate distractions and help you get more done. 


What are some ways you like to destress when things are getting chaotic?

Share your favorite tips below!





That sweatshirt is so cute! As a NV girl I was happy to stumble on your blog.