10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

March 31, 2017

Get to Know a Fashion Blogger |glamlifeliving.com|

Since the start of my blog, I have never really taken the time to allow you to get to know me and my background. Originally, I felt like most of the people reading already knew a lot about me, but now I thought it was time to fully introduce myself and give you the opportunity to get to know me better! Especially since there is a baby on the way, I wanted to give you a little background on my life, as I know I will probably be sharing a lot more personal information as a life with a newborn starts. So, I rounded up 10 facts about me. A lot of times, posts like this are actually still impersonal and more cutesy. Today, I am getting really personal and sharing 10 big aspects of my life. So let’s jump in!

1. I Come from a Very Big Family.

Maybe you already knew this, but for the newcomers, I am actually the oldest of 9 children! My little sister Ella is only 5 years old. My mom had her while I was traveling abroad in Europe during my sophomore year of college. I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. You could definitely say there was never a dull moment growing up! 

2. I Was Born in Florida. 

I lived there until I was ten and then we moved to Ohio where I lived until I was engaged. Then I moved to New York to plan my wedding and then lived there for the first couple years of marriage. 

3. I Was Homeschooled Until 7th Grade.

Growing up, my dad was a musican and motivational speaker. We actually traveled the country on a regular basis, so we literally could not be put into a school system because of our lifestyle. My mom was a teacher, so she just taught all of us until we stopped traveling as much and got put into a school system. 

4. I Graduated College with an Education Degree from a College in Ohio. 

I went to college literally two miles from my house and lived on campus. Some people might think that that was dumb, but I really believed that college was not only about education. I wanted to have the full experience. 

5. I Got Married at Only 22. 

I had just turned 22 only two months before getting married. It was one of, if not the best, decision of my life. When you know, you know. I knew very early on in our dating relationship that I was going to marry him. But how we met is a whole different story. You’ll just have to wait for that one 😉 

6. After College, I Went School in NYC to Be a Makeup Artist

After college, I really wanted to pursue a makeup career and my husband and I saved up money for me to attend a makeup school in the city. Even though I only worked as a makeup artist for a short time, I don’t regret the decision and had one of the best experiences going to school in NYC. 

7.  I Started a Blog to Practice Makeup on My Friends

I actually launched the site as glamglitterandgloss.com and used it as a place to post photos of the makeovers that I had done on my friends and family and also talk about my favorite products. For the first year or so, it was only a makeup site so that I could focus on pursuing a makeup career. Shout out to you, if you have been reading the blog since then! 

8. I Am Vegan. 

This is something that I don’t really talk about all that often because diet can be such a touchy subject! Everyone has their opinions, and I don’t really like to get involved in diet debates. I will say that I decided to be vegan over a year ago as an attempt to live a healthier lifestyle and clear up the little acne I had. It actually worked for the most part and I have loved being vegan. I will say that I do still eat eggs and will occasional have cheese if I have to due to circumstances. 

9. I Wasn’t Thrilled About Moving to Vegas

When my husband first told me that we might have to move to Las Vegas for his new job, I wasn’t happy about it. I would have gone anywhere with him, but when I first heard vegas I was shocked. It just isn’t a place that you would think to LIVE! I moved here without ever having visiting it and now I loved it! Sometimes God’s plan is better than yours. Although I will say, being away from friends and family is definitely difficult at times. 

10. Blogging is My Passion

For the longest time, I struggled with nailing down my interests in life. I tried so many things from photography, makeup, education, writing, etc. I truly feel like blogging allows me to combine all my interests and favorite things into one place. Even though I do teach First Grade and love hanging out with my six year old crew, this really is my happy place and my truest passion. 

Now it’s your turn! Tell me a fact about yourself so that I can get to know YOU better. 

Thanks for stopping by!


I started following you when your dad would post your stories… saw your dad at AYC in Houston

I got married at 21 and just had a baby at 24 after 3 years of marriage.
Welcome to the best thing you’ll ever do!
Maybe once you’re here you’ll give tips on how to do quick make up while juggling a baby, I enjoy your posts and make up tips despite not being able to replicate them at all 😂

Wow that sounds so similar to our situation! Married at 22, baby will be born after 3 years of marriage, and I will be 25! Crazy. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I know a lot is going to change, so it will be interesting trying to balance it all!