10 Reasons Your Products Are Breaking You Out!

May 29, 2015

DSC_2130I am the first to admit that I have “overdone it” with my skincare. Trying too many products at a time, using harsh ingredients, and overdoing face masks are just a few reasons my skin has gone into overdrive. It can be a frustrating battle to be on the search for the perfect skin care routine, only to find your skin to be more irritated than before! Today I wanted to share with you some lessons I have learned with trial and error as well as personal research.

So here are 10 reasons your skin care products just might be making matters worse!

1. Fragrance Filled 

Fragrance in skincare products can cause serious irritation to the skin, causing it to react by skin rashes or breakouts.

2. Not Oil-Free

Oils in some moisturizers can clog pores. Opt for oil-free alternatives for your moisturizers, primers, and foundations. Also look for products that claim to be non-comedogenic and non-irritating.

3. Ingredients are counteracting each other

Harsh skin care ingredients used in conjunction can cause skin to flare up. Check your skincare product ingredients to make sure they are not counteracting each other. Here are some ingredients that should NOT be used together in your skincare regimen:

Vitamin C and Benzoyl Peroxide

Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid

Retinol and Acne TreatmentsDSC_2111

4. Too harsh for your skin type

Too many harsh ingredients used together such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic acid, Retinols, etc can inflame and cause serious irritation and dryness to the skin. Try to use one intense ingredient at a time in your skincare routine.

5. Overdoing Face Masks

Face masks should only be done 1-2 times a week. If you are applying more than two a week, than you risk the possibility of overdrawing skin impurities and disrupting the skin’s natural healing process.

6. Too much exfoliation

Over exfoliating the skin by using harsh scrubs, masks, acids, and exfoliating brushes can confuse our skin’s natural oil production or cause redness and irritation.DSC_2114

7. Skin stripping cleansers 

Many cleansers, especially ones that foam, can strip our skins natural oils making our skin overly dry. As a result, our skin works to produce more oil, which causes breakouts. Use gentle cleansers instead of ones that have ingredients like Salicylic Acid and other potentially harsh ingredients.CR69bj1432910809

8. Applying them in the wrong order 

You may be missing the benefits of your products if you are applying them in the wrong order! Here is the correct order to apply your skincare products:

1. Cleanser

2. Toner

3. Serum

4. Spot Treatment

5. Moisturizer

6. Sunscreen

9. Product overload

Many of us have made the mistake of applying more products than our skin can handle. Opt for a simpler routine. And only introduced 1-2 new products to your routine at a time.DSC_2115

10. Makeup wipes are a “no no”

In my opinion, makeup wipes are a “no, no.” Each and every time I used one, my face literally breaks out into hives the next day! Ask my sisters. Granted, I do have sensitive skin, so instead I remove my makeup with coconut oil to prevent any skin reactions.

What I have found personally is that a simpler routine is best. Use gentle cleaners, non-fragranced ingredients, and serums that are not too harsh for your skin. Have patience. Somethings finding the right routine takes some trials before you find your perfect skincare regime.

I hope you found this helpful! Let me know some skincare tips that have worked for you!


Pretty! This was an incredibly wonderful article.

Thanks for providing this information.