How to Quit Instagram Jealousy Now!

April 23, 2018

summer dress glamlifeliving. white dress, summer outfit, Las Vegas fashion blogger

Dress: Hero’s Wardrobe Heels: Marc Fisher, Similar, Similar Bag: Urban Outfitters Earrings: Similar 

Social media accounts for a large part of our lives whether we like it or not. And it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. We all have opinions on if it has been a positive or negative change. But the truth is we have to be willing to roll with the punches and adapt to the ever changing world we live in. Because of how diverse and different our modern world has become, it has presented it’s own unique set of challenges. Women and men of all ages have access to an overwhelming amount of information that the internet has provided. 

While a lot of these technological advances have been a huge positive and blessing in our lives, it has also been an area of hurt, jealousy, and even depression. Comparison can eat at a lot of us as we look at the lives of not only friends but complete strangers on the internet. It is easy to allow photos on Instagram to evoke feelings of jealousy. And I have succumb to the green monster myself. There was a time when every time I opened my Instagram app, I would feel anxiety creep in my crest as I scrolled through my feed. I would “fast” from the app from time to time, but when I returned, I never felt that it had fixed anything. It wasn’t until I choose a new outlook that my whole mentality of social media changed. 

So here is how I quit Insta-Jealousy and how you can too! 

summer outfit from glamlifeliving, Las Vegas fashion blogger

1. Unfollow, Unfollow, Unfollow! 

At the end of the day, we are on social media to enjoy, relax, and keep up with our friends and family. So if the people who you are following are causing a negative shift in your mind and heart, why even follow them in the first place! Hit that unfollow button and you will immediately feel a sense of freedom. 

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2. Turn Comparison to Inspiration 

Instead of feeling bad about the things you have or don’t have in comparison to another person on the “gram” try to channel that emotion to a feeling of inspiration. Instead of thinking, “ugh why does she get to have such and such bag,” think,”I am going to start saving for that item because it is so cute and she wears it so well!” This might take time, but trust me! You can make the switch. 

white dress with yellow accessories

3. Remember Their Life Is Never as Perfect as Their Instagram Feed

Life is messy. We all struggle with things in our personal lives. But just as you don’t broadcast those issues to everyone in your life, the feeds you follow are not doing that either. Instagram is a place of inspiration. So obviously, it is going to showcase ideal photos and experiences. Just remember as you are scrolling, that the photo you are looking at took time, effort, and planning to show up there. Life isn’t always so properly organized. 

Las Vegas Fashion Blogger glamlifeliving, white dress and straw bag, summer style, Hannah McDonnell

4. Have Gratitiude 

Whenever I feel the green monster start to come to the surface, I make an effort to remember all the wonderful things I have in my life to be grateful for. We are truly so blessed to be here in a free country surrounded my so many pleasantries. 

perfect white dress for summer, glamlifeliving, fashion blogger from las vegas

5. Get to the Root of the Comparison

After these tips, if you still feel the sting of jealousy, try to think deeper about why you are unsatisfied. Have you been feeling unhealthy and want to kick start that fitness plan? Are you bored with your closet and need a shopping pick me up? Are you craving family time and need a break from your hectic schedule? Get to the root of the issue so that you can find more happiness in your real life. 

6. When in Doubt, Unplug! 

Sometimes, you just need a social media break. Whether it is for a few hours or a few days, delete the app off your phone or turn off your notifications. Some people will also turn on airplane mode as well. Do whatever you need to do to clear your mind!

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Our new social media driven world is unique and ever changing. It can be difficult to find solutions to issues we have never had in the past. But let’s do our best to support and encourage each other. We are all fighting our own battles. Let’s not draw swords against each other. 

P.S If you liked this dress, I have a 10% off discount code (glamlifeliving) that you can enter on Hero’s Wardrobe

Thanks for reading babes. Kick that green monster in the butt!