We’re Having a Baby!

March 7, 2017

pregnancy announcement, baby banner, baby announcement

Dress: Nordstrom   Banner: Etsy   Watch: Michael Kors   Lipstick: Kat Von D Lovesick

So the news is out! We are having a baby! I am so excited to finally be sharing the news with you all today. There have been so many moments that I have wanted to share with you, and it has been hard keeping it secret! I wanted to update you on everything so I apologize for the long post. And can I just say that James and I did this whole photo shoot ourselves. We literally did it with a tripod for the most part in the most windy weather I have ever experienced in Las Vegas! So can I get a pat on the back?! 

oh baby banner, pregnancy announcement banner, baby banner, pregnancy, baby announcementpregnancy announcement photo shootPregnancy Announcement photos, baby announcement, baby, pregnancy, sonogram picturepregnancy announcement, baby picture, sonogram picture, pregnancy photos, baby announcementbaby announcement, pregnancy announcement, pregnancy photos, we're pregnantpregnancy photos, pregnancy announcement, baby, pregnancyhusband announcing babyPregnancy Announcement Dresspregnancy announcement photos, baby announcement, we're having a babyoh baby banner and pregnancy announcement

 How Far Along

I just started my 13th week! So I am really excited to be starting my second trimester soon.  

 Due Date
Baby is due September 12th. Coming from a huge family, it is pretty shocking not to have any other September birthdays. Actually, after I published this post, my mom reminded me of my little sister’s birthday at the end of September! I think pregnancy brain has started already! 

How Did You Tell Your Husband

After realizing I was a couple of days late to my period, I decided to grab a pregnancy test after work. When I got home, I took the test and then went to take my dog for a walk, not thinking I would actually be pregnant. When I got back and walked into the bathroom, I was shocked. I just kind of stood there for a few minutes before I started crying. I knew I wanted to plan something really special to tell James. So I got all dressed up and found a restaurant that we could meet at for dinner near my husband’s work place. I insisted that we MUST go out to dinner tonight. But he kept telling me that he was just too busy and just couldn’t make it work. But I kept begging and he finally worked it out to meet me for dinner.

I put the test in a cute box and wrapped it up like a present. I wrote him a card telling him what a great husband he has been and what a great father he will make. At dinner, I gave him the card, and he actually didn’t even get the father reference! It wasn’t until he opened the box that he realized what was happening. I will never forget that moment because I know I am such a lucky girl to have a man so excited to be a father. He cried, and actually continued to cry for several days after, and still cries if he sees a baby! 


There was a moment there where I was like, “maybe I really won’t be sick!” Well, I was wrong haha! Morning sickness really kicked in Week 8 and it went in waves. One week I would be throwing up a lot. And then I would have a few days where I felt okay. I am just thankful it wasn’t all day everyday nausea. I will talk a lot more about my sickness in my next post. I want to do a How to Survive Your First Trimester Post soon.

I didn’t really crave anything out of the ordinary until the last two weeks. But I started having some serious lust for avocado sushi rolls! Don’t ask me why, but I could eat it every day. And James has even been shocked how after 3 rolls I still could eat more!

I have had a lot of difficulty looking at or eating soup. I ate it a lot in the beginning, but then one day I wanted to vomit just looking at it. In the beginning, I also had a really hard time doing the dishes without gaging. But hey, it was an excuse to pass the duty off to someone else 😉 

Physical Changes

I have gained about 4 lbs. But I have definitely grown significantly in the chest area, which is a whole new world for me! I am kind of enjoying them while I can before they start hurting and getting even more large and in charge! I didn’t really break out except for in the the very, very beginning. And I actually didn’t even know I was pregnant at the time. But looking back, it probably explains the breakouts. I will get a few small blemishes from time to time, but nothing major.

Most Difficult Part
The hardest thing has been the exhaustion. Everyone always talks about how tired you are all the time. But pregnancy exhaustion is so real. There were nights when I would go to bed at 6pm and not wake up again until 5am. Being that tired makes it extremely difficult to keep up with all your responsibilities. And then add feeling nauseous and throwing up. But stay tuned for my next post, and I will tell you how I managed it.

Best Part 

Hands down the best part so far was getting the sonogram picture and seeing the baby for the first time. It was the first moment, where it felt really real. And of course, James cried again!

I really could add a lot more, but this post is getting pretty long! Let me know if you want any other pregnancy related posts. Thanks for reading. Stop back soon!


Aww congratulations it will be the happiest part of your lives..